
My personal website. https://rigdern.github.io/a/

Primary LanguageClojure

My Personal Website

Cheatsheet for running the site

  • cider-jack-in (C-c M-j)
  • cider-load-buffer (C-c C-k)
  • C-c C-c: send defn to REPL
  • C-c C-e: send last expression to REPL
  • cider-quit (C-c C-q)

The bottom of core.clj contains some useful forms for evaling:

  • Development. Start a dev server. Point your browser at it. Refresh the browser to see the latest content.
  • Publication. Write the site to the _gh-pages directory.

Initializing the _gh-pages directory

  • Run from the root of the repo:
    • git worktree add _gh-pages gh-pages