
This repository serves as a quick demo of how rig can be installed in a flux setup.

In order to be able to demo how to setup Ingress support, we create a simple self-signed ClusterIssuer.

To read more about GitOps in conjunction with rig, please see the documentation.

Running the demo in kind

The demo can be run locally in a kind cluster using the following instructions.

Install kind using the official installation instructions: https://kind.sigs.k8s.io/#installation-and-usage

Start a kind cluster:

kind create cluster -n rig-demo

Install the Flux CLI using the official instructions: https://fluxcd.io/flux/installation/#install-the-flux-cli

Fork this repository on your personal GitHub account and export your GitHub access token, username and repo name:

export GITHUB_TOKEN="<your-token>"
export GITHUB_USER="<your-username>"
export GITHUB_REPO="<repository-name>"

Bootstrap flux to point to your fork:

flux bootstrap github \
    --context=kind-rig-demo \
    --owner=${GITHUB_USER} \
    --repository=${GITHUB_REPO} \
    --branch=main \
    --personal \

Watch for helm releases being installed in the cluster:

watch flux get helmreleases -A

Initiate rig-platform:

kubectl exec -it -n rig-system deploy/rig-platform -- rig-admin init

Port-forward rig-platform:

kubectl port-forward -n rig-system svc/rig-platform 4747

Visit http://localhost:4747 in your browser to access the UI and login.