List of packages installed via pacman and yaourt on your Arch machine automatically saved to GitHub.
all ideas and improvments are always welcome!
1) Downloading and installing:
- using yaourt Aur
$ yaourt pacmanity
- using makepkg
$ wget -O - | tar xz
navigate to the downloaded directory (alexchernokun-pacmanity-xxxxxx):
$ makepkg
$ sudo pacman -U
2) Setup stage: On the installation stage you will be prompted to fill in GitHub credentials two times;
- first time it is needed to create gist for pacman-installed packages on GItHub;
- second time gist with AUR-installed packages should be set up, that is why the login details should be filled in once again
Every time you install or remove a package using official Arch repository or unofficial AUR all the changes will be saved privately to your GitHub account. You have nothing to do, just install the pacmanity, and that's all. Two hooks will be created and run everytime the pacman command is used.
Screenshots: Navigate to your Gist GitHub account here and you will see:
- list of packages installed with 'pacman -S' command:
- list of packages installed from AUR with yaourt:
- every installation will be automatically added to the gist:
- every removal also will be mentioned on the list: