Nmap script to detect a Microsoft Exchange instance version with OWA enabled.
- 0xmaximus
- 6661620a@srlabs
- adulau@MISP @CIRCL @cve-search and many others
- ALFgnu
- Altizo
- anasanchohttps://www.behance.net/anaphisancho/
- Butters3388214
- col4-eng
- ecote7
- evilc0deooo00ooo
- falkowichSweden
- gallypette@CIRCL
- grgpw
- hamzi2Personal Work
- hrbrmstrGreyNoise Intelligence
- imjdlhttps://rustlang.rs
- jakewarren
- jr69ss
- Kr0ffCicadaSec
- lightoyou
- Loop-ManMadrid
- rommelfshttp://www.circl.lu
- rosswarren99
- ryanhebertMichigan
- ScriptIdiotHong Kong
- sebixInstitute for Common Good Technology
- secfb
- TheSloppyKing
- thinhbio
- tomta555
- TonyDAtigerr
- udpsec
- w00dbury
- WeissCatWithHat
- william-billaudfrance
- znbPrivate Contractor of Doom