Program to analyze mails stored into a Microsoft Outlook PST file and find one based on search keywords. There no need of Microsoft Outlook on the target computer.
This project is implemented using Maven (v3.x) structure.
Use the following Maven command line to build the program jar file:
mvn clean package
The program will be build as the file target/pst-digger.jar
The program need a JRE 1.8
Use the following command to display the call parameters:
java -jar pst-digger.jar
-a : Dump linked attachments for interesting mails found (default: false)
-f FILE : PST file to analyze (absolute or relative path)
-i : Perform search of terms in case sensitive way (default: false)
-k VAL : Keywords to search in mail (subject/body), separated by a pipe '|'
-o FILE : Folder in which store copy of interesting mails containing the keywords specified (default: out)
Example using required parameters:
java -jar pst-digger.jar -f FILE -k VAL
Example using all parameters:
java -jar pst-digger.jar -a -f FILE -i -k VAL -o FILE
Real call example:
java -jar pst-digger.jar -a -f "C:\Users\xxx\my.pst" -i -k "login|password" -o TEST01
Thanks you to rjohnsondev for the Java version of the LibPST library.