
"Copy link to Tweet" is missing

Closed this issue · 5 comments

No matter if using twitter.com or mobile.twitter.com in the browser, both offer the option "Copy link to Tweet" when the user clicks on the arrow down symbol to open the context menu.
The official Android app also offers the option to share tweets via any app the user has installed so that tweets can easily be shared via E-Mail, XMPP etc..

Summary: SlimSocial-for-Twitter should offer at least the option to copy Tweet links and ideally also the option to share Tweets.

My copy link to tweet icon is missing, pls what should i do, kindly help. Thanks

Twitter username - @chinwechristy7
Email - Iheomafavour100@gmail.com
Reply pls. Thanks

Best Regards

My copy link to tweet icon is missing, pls what should i do, kindly help. Thanks

Twitter username - @chinwechristy7
Email - Iheomafavour100@gmail.com
Reply pls. Thanks

Best Regards

I am having the same problem. Copy Link to Tweet is missing from both Desktop and Android. Please help! Thank you!

My Copy Link to Tweet option is missing from both Desktop and Android. Please help!

Thank you!

It's in the app since a longer time
click on the share button, then you can click "copy link to tweet"
(tested with version 3.2 (from F-Droid store)

closes #9

Thanks @joergi for trying this. I can confirm that it is currently working although Twitter must've changed something in the meantime since the option in question is now found when clicking on the share-symbol instead of the "arrow down"-symbol.