
EdNet is the dataset of all student-system interactions collected over 2 years by Santa, a multi-platform AI tutoring service with more than 780K users in Korea available through Android, iOS and web.


Paper : https://arxiv.org/abs/1912.03072

Leaderboard : Link

EdNet is the dataset of all student-system interactions collected over 2 years by Santa, a multi-platform AI tutoring service with more than 780K users in Korea available through Android, iOS and web.

Properties of EdNet

EdNet dataset contains various features of student actions such as which learning material he have consumed, response, how much time he have spent for solving a given question or reading through expert’s commentary. And EdNet have some properties which is introduced following.

1. Large scale

EdNet is composed of a total of 131,441,538 interactions collected from 784,309 students of Santa since 2017. Each student has generated 441.20 interactions while using Santa on average. EdNet, based on those interactions, makes researchers possible to access to a large-scale real-world ITS data. Moreover, Santa provides a total 13,169 problems and 1,021 lectures tagged with 293 types of skills, and each of them has been consumed 95,294,926 times and 601,805 times, respectively. To the best of our knowledge, this is the largest dataset in education available to the public in terms of the total number of students, interactions, and interaction types.

2. Diversity

EdNet offers the most diverse set of interactions among all existing ITS data. The set of behaviors directly related to learning is also richer than other datasets, as EdNet includes learning activities such as reading explanations and watching lectures not provided by others. Such diversity enables researchers to analyze students from various perspectives. For example, purchasing logs may help to analyze student's engagement for learning. Also, contents information table is provided separately.

3. Hierarchy

EdNet has a hierarchical structure of different data points. To provide various kinds of actions in a consistent and organized manner, EdNet offers the datasets in four different levels each named KT1, KT2, KT3 and KT4. As the level of the dataset increases, the number of actions and types of actions involved also increase. The details and descriptions of each dataset is described below.

4. Multi-platform

In the age where students have access to various devices spanning from personal computers to smartphones and AI speakers, it is inevitable for ITSs to offer the access from multiple platforms. Accordingly, Santa is a multi-platform system available in iOS, Android and Web and EdNet contains data points gathered from both mobile and desktop.This allows the study of AIEd models suited for future multi-platform ITSs, utilizing the data collected from different platforms in a consistent manner.


As we said, there are four datasets named KT1, KT2, KT3, and KT4 with different extents. Here's common features of these datasets:

  • The whole dataset is divided by students: {user_id}.csv only contains {user_id}'s interactions.
  • The timestamps are different from the real values, which are modified (shifted by fixed values) due to security issues.

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Download a .zip file from bit.ly/ednet_kt1

Size of the compressed file 1.2GB
Size of the uncompressed file 5.6GB
The number of files 784,309


KT1 consists of students' question-solving logs, which is the most basic and fundamental information that can be used by various deep-learning knowledge tracing models such as Deep Knowledge Tracing and Self-Attentive Knowledge Tracing. EdNet-KT1 is the record of Santa collected since Apr 18. 2017 following this question-response sequence format. A major property of EdNet is that the questions come in bundles. That is, a collection of questions sharing a common passage, picture or listening material. For example, questions of ID q2319, q2320 and q2321 may share the same reading passage. In this case, the questions are said to form a bundle and will be given to the student with corresponding shared material. When a bundle is given, a student have access to all the problems and has to respond all of them in order to complete the bundle.


  • timestamp is the moment the question was given, represented as Unix timestamp in milliseconds.
  • solving_id represents each learning session of students corresponds to each bunle. It is a form of single integer, starting from 1.
  • question_id is the ID of the question that given to student, which is a form of q{integer}.
  • user_answer is the answer that the student submitted, recorded as a character between a and d inclusively.
  • elapsed_time is the time that the students spends on each question in milliseconds.


timestamp question_id bundle_id user_answer elapsed_time
1548996377530 48 q2844 d 47000
1548996378149 48 q2845 d 47000
1548996378665 48 q2846 d 47000
1548996671661 49 q4353 c 67000
1548996787866 50 q3944 a 54000


Download a .zip file from bit.ly/ednet-kt2

Size of the compressed file 0.6GB(555.8MB)
Size of the uncompressed file 3.1GB
The number of files 297,444


A major drawback of the question-response sequence format is that it cannot account for the inherent heterogeneity of students' actions. For example, a student may alternately select one of two answer choices before submitting his final answer, which possibly signals that he is unsure of either of the options. Due to the restriction of question-response format, a dataset following such format like EdNet-KT1 can't effectively represent such situation. To overcome this limitation, Santa have collected the full behavior of students since Aug. 27, 2018. As a result, the datasets EdNet-KT2, EdNet-KT3 and EdNet-KT4 of action sequences of each user are compiled. Each action represents a single unit of behavior made by a student in the Santa UI, such as watching a video lecture, choosing a response option, or reading a passage. By recording a student's behavior as-is, the datasets represent each student's behavior more accurately and allows AIEd models to incorporate finer details of learning history. EdNet-KT2, the simplest action-based dataset of EdNet, consists of the actions related to question-solving activities. Note that the features of KT1 can be fully recovered by the columns of KT2, and KT2 contains further information such as the study mode of student or the intermediate responses provided by student.


  • action_type is one of the following: enter, respond, and submit.

    • enter is recorded when student first receives and views a question bundle through UI.
    • respond is recorded when the student selects an answer choice to one of the questions in the bundle. A student can respond to the same question multiple times. In this case, only the last response before submitting his final answer is considered as his response.
    • submit is recorded when the student submits his final answers to the the given bundle.
  • item_id is The ID of item involved with the action. For EdNet-KT2, only the IDs of questions and bundles are recorded. A bundle is assigned for actions of type enter and submit.

  • source shows where the student solve a question or watch a lecture in Santa UI. There are several sources in Santa that students can solve questions or watch lectures. For KT2, only the sources that provides question-solving environments are recorded.

    • In sprint, students choose a part that they want to study. After that, they can only solve questions belongs to the part that they choose, until they change to different part or select different source.

    • For each day, Santa recommends questions and lectures based on each student's current knowledge status, i.e. correctness probabilities predicted by the Collaborative Filtering model. Such source is called Today's Recommendation. Questions that belong to particular parts can be recommended, todays_recommendation::sprint, todays_recommendation::review_quiz

    • Once the number of incorrect answers to questions with particular tags exceeds certain threshold, Santa suggests lectures and questions with corresponding tags. Such suggestion is recorded as adaptive_offer. It also offers lectures and questions if the average correctness rate of questions with particular tags decreased by more than a certain threshold.

    • All Parts is a source that students solve questions that Santa recommends following a certain algorithm, from all possible candidates. This is recorded as tutor.

    • The student can re-do the questions that he already solved before using review system, which is recorded as in_review.

  • user_answer is recorded when action_type is respond, which stands for the student's submitted answer. It is one of the alphabets a, b, c, and d.

  • platform shows where the student used Santa, which is either mobile or web.


timestamp action_type item_id source user_answer platform
1358114668713 enter b4957 diagnosis mobile
1358114691713 respond q6425 diagnosis c mobile
1358114701104 respond q6425 diagnosis d mobile
1358114712364 submit b4957 diagnosis mobile
1358114729868 enter b5180 sprint mobile
1358114745592 respond q6815 sprint c mobile
1358114748023 respond q6816 sprint a mobile
1358114748781 respond q6814 sprint a mobile
1358114751032 submit b5180 sprint mobile


Download a .zip file from bit.ly/ednet-kt3

Size of the compressed file 0.8GB(762.8MB)
Size of the uncompressed file 4.3GB
The number of files 297,915


In Santa, a student may participate in various learning activities aside from solving questions, such as reading through experts' commentary on a question or watching lectures provided by the system. EdNet-KT3 incorporates such learning activities by adding the following actions to the EdNet-KT2 dataset. Such actions can be utilized by to infer the impact of learning activities to each student's knowledge state. For example, one may analyze the time each student have spent studying a given material by subtracting the timestamps of enter and quit actions and use this to study the effect of students' different learning behaviors.


As we said above, explanations and lectures are added.

  • Reading Explanations
    • After each student solves given questions, corresponding explanations are given to him. The sources of explanations for questions from sprint and review are recorded as after_sprint and after_review, respectively. One can also re-read explanations of questions that he solved from my_note.
    • Whenever a student enters the explanation view in Santa UI or exits the view, a corresponding action of type enter and quit with explanation ID as item_id is recorded. Note that the explanation ID is exactly same as the bundle ID.
  • Watching Lectures
    • There are two possible sources that the student can watch a lecture: archive, adaptive_offer, and todays_recommendatin::lecture. He can access all the possible lectures from archive. Also, Santa can suggest lectures by Today's recommendation or adaptive offer along with questions.
    • Whenever a student plays a lecture video or stops watching the video, a corresponding action of type enter and quit with lecture ID as item_id is recorded.


timestamp action_type item_id source user_answer platform
1573364188664 enter b790 sprint mobile
1573364206572 respond q790 sprint b mobile
1573364209673 respond q790 sprint d mobile
1573364209710 submit b790 sprint mobile
1573364209745 enter e790 sprint mobile
1573364218306 quit e790 sprint mobile
1573364391205 enter l540 adaptive_offer mobile
1573364686796 quit l540 adaptive_offer mobile
1573364693793 enter b6191 adaptive_offer mobile
1573364702213 respond q8840 adaptive_offer c mobile
1573364705838 submit b6191 adaptive_offer mobile


Download a .zip file from bit.ly/ednet-kt4

Size of the compressed file 1.2GB
Size of the uncompressed file 6.4GB
The number of files 297,915


In EdNet-KT4, a complete list of actions collected by Santa is provided. In particular, the following types of actions are added to EdNet-KT3: erase_choice, undo_erase_choice, play_audio, pause_audio, play_video, pause_video, pay, refund, and enroll_coupon.


  • erase_choice, undo_erase_choice
    • For user's convenience, a student can hide an answer choice by erasing it. He can also undo his action to consider the choice again. The act of erasing a choice and undoing it are given as actions of type erase_choice and undo_erase_choice respectively. The answer choice erased/un-erased is supplied in the user_answer column.
  • play_audio, pause_audio, play_video, pause_video
    • A student can play or pause a given multimedia asset. For videos, he can also navigate to different moments of the video by moving his cursor to different places. Such actions are denoted as one of the action types play_audio, pause_audio, play_video or pause_video. A column cursor_time is added to EdNet-KT4, to represent the moment where he has played or paused the media.
  • pay, refund
    • By default, a free user is offered 10 questions of Part 2 and 5 each daily. By purchasing a payment item, the student have full access to questions of all parts. A table of payment items is provided separately (see below). Items of type pass allows solving all questions for the time duration in milliseconds. Items of type paygo allows student to solve the specific number of bundles denoted by column number_of_bundles.
  • enroll_coupon
    • A student may enter his promotion coupon code to receive corresponding benefits. The ID of his coupon and the time he entered the coupon is recorded as an action of type enroll_coupon. A table of coupons is provided separately (see below).


timestamp action_type item_id cursor_time source user_answer platform
1358114668713 pay p25 mobile
1358114691713 enter b878 sprint mobile
1358114701104 text_enter q878 sprint mobile
1358114712364 play_audio q878 0 sprint mobile
1358114729868 pause_audio q878 10000 sprint mobile
1358114745592 eliminate_choice q878 sprint a mobile
1358114748023 respond q878 sprint c mobile
1358114748781 submit b878 sprint mobile
1358114751032 enter e878 sprint mobile
1358114779211 play_audio e878 0 sprint mobile
1358114792300 pause_audio e878 8000 sprint mobile
1358114842195 quit e878 sprint mobile


Download a .zip file from bit.ly/ednet-content

Size of the compressed file 0.6MB
Size of the uncompressed file 0.1MB
The number of files 4

There are five types of contents that Santa serves to students: questions, lectures, payment items, coupons, and scores.

scores are not released yet. It will be released later.


Question information table contains 7 columns: question_id, bundle_id, explanation_id, correct_answer, part, tags, deployed_at.

  • question_id is the ID of the question, which is a form of q{integer}.
  • bundle_id is the ID of the bundle containing the question, which is a form of b{integer}. Each bundle can contains from 1 to 5 questions.
  • explanation_id is ID of corresponding explanations (expert's commentaries) for each bundle, which is a form of e{integer}. Note that bundle_ids and explanation_ids are the same for every question.
  • correct_answer is the correct answer of each question recorded as a character between a and d inclusively. The number of choices depends on the part of the question: every question that does not belong to part 2 has four choices, and part 2 questions have three.
  • part is the part of each question. It is an integer from 1 to 7.
  • tags are the expert-annotated tags for each question. It is a list of integers, which has a form of {integer};{integer};...;{integer}.
  • deployed_at represents the time that each question is started to served in Santa, represented as Unix timestamp in milliseconds.
question_id bundle_id explanation_id correct_answer part tags deployed_at
q2319 b1707 e1707 a 3 179;53;183;184 1571279008033
q2320 b1707 e1707 d 3 52;183;184 1571279009205
q2321 b1707 e1707 d 3 52;183;184 1571279010285
q2322 b1708 e1708 b 3 52;183;184 1571279012823
q2323 b1708 e1708 c 3 179;52;182;184 1571279013890
q2324 b1708 e1708 d 3 52;183;184 1571279014989


Lecture information table contains 5 columns: lecture_id, part, tags, video_length, deployed_at.

  • lecture_id is the ID of the lecture. It is a form of l{integer}.
  • part is the assigned part of the lecture. It is a single integer from 0 to 7, where 0 stands for the lecture without any particular part assigned.
  • tags is the expert-annotated tag for each lecture, which is a single integer. The tags that are used for questions and lectures are the same.
  • video_length is the running time of the video lecture in milliseconds, which is a form of single integer.
  • deployed_at is the time that each lecture is started to served in Santa, represented as Unix timestamp in milliseconds.

Note that some lectures' tags, video_lengths, and deployed_at are not available, and they are recorded as -1.

lecture_id part tags video_length deployed_at
l805 5 99 230000 1570426256512
l855 0 203 253000 1570425118345
l1259 1 222 359000 1570424729123
l1260 1 220 487000 1570424738105
l1261 1 221 441000 1570424743162
l1262 1 223 587000 1570424748780

Payment items

Payment item information table contains 4 columns: payment_item_id, payment_type, duration, and number_of_questions.

  • payment_item_id is the ID of the payment. It is a form of p{integer}.
  • payment_type is the type of the payment, which has two possibilities: pass and paygo. For pass, the student can use Santa for the fixed amount of time (for example, 3 months). For paygo, the student can solve fixed number of questions (for example, 4000).
  • duration is the amount of time that the student can use Santa when he/she buy a certain pass, which is represented in milliseconds. When payment_type is paygo, this is filled up with -1.
  • number_of_questions represents the number of questions that the student can solve when he/she buy a certain paygo, which is a form of single integer. When payment_type is pass, this is filled up with -1.
payment_item_id payment_type duration number_of_bundles
p6 pass 15552000000 -1
p7 paygo -1 4000
p8 pass 10368000000 -1
p9 pass 31536000000 -1


Coupon information table consists of 3 columns: coupon_id, coupon_type, and duration.

  • coupon_id is the ID of the coupon. It is a form of c{integer}.
  • coupon_type is the type of the coupon. It is a form of type-{integer}, where the type ID depends on the source of the coupon.
  • duration is the amount of time that the student can use Santa when he/she use a certain coupon, which is represented in milliseconds.
coupon_id coupon_type duration
c16 type-1 15552000000
c17 type-2 432000000
c18 type-3 1000000
c19 type-3 36000000


To be released.


If you have any questions or find any issues, please contact research@riiid.co.


The dataset is publicly released under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International license for research purposes.