
Programming Algorithms in Hardware

Primary LanguageVHDL

First Year Project - Programming Algorithms in Hardware

This is the repository of group 65b for the first year project at University of Southern Denmark of 2017. The project is a work in progress, as from here we have written all this source code and all of the belonging files and contents to this point for our First Year Project of june 2017.

The contributors

The members of the group 65b project is:

Latex Report

We have a written report of our project at a shared overleaf document https://www.overleaf.com/9477295jttmtsqhcdpk

Latex Process Analysis

We also have a written mandatory process analysis where we describe how the process of the project went. And how the teamwork of the group layed out. https://www.overleaf.com/9724973jvpvfqvjtmft