
NASA API integration to detect near earth asteroids

Primary LanguageTypeScript

To run the API

This assumes you have NPM and Node installed.

  • If not download NVM.

As a conveniece the Linux commands for installing NVM/Node are provided. If you're using another OS please see the link above.

curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/v0.39.7/install.sh | bash
nvm install --lts
nvm use --lts
node --version # 20.11.0
npm --version # 10.2.4
git clone https://github.com/riivanov/armageddon.git
cd armageddon
npm install
npm start

To test the API

If you want to make changes to the input of the request modify post.json, respectively.

If port 7891 happens to already be bound, you can modify the PORT variable in the file .env

To test the endpoint, from the project directory, you can use curl:

curl --json @post.json -X POST http://localhost:7891/

If you don't have curl, for example if you're on Windows, try Postman