Given the timeframe, this README is incomplete, no testing has been done (especially on Windows). I assume you have postgres installed and configured.
If you'd like to see my attempt at AUTH: git checkout main
git clone
cd labforty-interview
git checkout v0.0.1
cd API
dotnet restore
- install postgres
- configure postgres
sudo -u postgres initdb -D /var/lib/postgres/data
# initialize the DBsudo -u postgres createuser -P -S -R -d username
# usepassword
as password
- install ef tools
dotnet tool install --global dotnet-ef
- run migrations (to create initial DB)
dotnet ef database update
- run project
dotnet watch run
This is a project that I'm ashamed of, I was considering not even posting it. It's incomplete, and I don't like turning in incomplete work. Had I been given a sprint(2 weeks), it would be much nicer and most of all would work.
I used these curl
commands to test the API, however, they probably will NOT work:
CREATE: curl -s --insecure --json @post.json -X POST https://localhost:5114/api/Customers
READ: curl -s --insecure -X GET https://localhost:5114/api/Customers
# In `post.json` orders->product->id will have to be manually incremented
UPDATE: curl -s --json @post.json --insecure -X PUT https://localhost:7123/api/Customers/6
DELETE: curl -s --insecure -X DELETE https://localhost:7123/api/Customers/1