HTTP API for train departures, arrivals and trip details. Transforms real-time status messages to a REST API.
- alchemist09Nairobi, Kenya
- ApocalypsjeNLThe Netherlands
- ArchTaqi@codora-io @atlas-dex @STIX-Co @DuboisGold
- bearylogicalEindhoven
- DiederikvandenBDen Haag
- Duckxz
- erikgaal@gosuperscript
- erikvdwalThe Netherlands
- fincentxyzThe Netherlands
- FunnyScope
- geertw@vergelijkgroep
- hetisthijshttps://www.thijsbroenink.com/
- j3ltrThe Netherlands
- JerukPurut404The Netherlands
- johankok
- justmogenKenya
- lisatostramsRadboud University
- lvschouwenThe Netherlands
- Mallik-24Bengaluru,Karnataka
- MarkSmitNetherlands
- MHilhorstUtrecht
- mmshooreshi
- modprobe@holi-social
- MoltenCoffee@IFMSA-NL
- PotatoMindPopper
- profikidDen Haag
- psnwdEarth
- roberto-ayalaChile
- sdegrootdegroot.dev
- SemvrijThe Netherlands
- shortwordOslo, Norway
- sven4all
- TimH8The Netherlands
- tvqphuoc01Viet Nam
- wissehes@PerplexDigital
- zkbqhuang