
Fetch Data from a simple csv file, send the data in GCP BigQuery table, run dbt to automate the DWH and run SODA to check Data Quality.

Primary LanguagePython


Fetch Data from a simple csv file, send the data in GCP BigQuery table, run dbt to automate the dwh and run soda to check data quality.

alt retail_data_dag

Get Started

  • create python venv
  • enable it
  • install dependencies from requirements.txt file
  • configure airflow in airflow.cfg
  • create as GCP service account and add a key. also, download the key in json format.

Airflow Webserver

  • In Variable section add the following three varibales
    • gcp_project
    • gcp_bigquery_retail_dataset
    • gcp_account : downloaded json file path
  • In Connection section add a new GCP connection
    • connection name: my_gcp_conn
    • value: downloaded service account json file content

Configure dbt and soda in airflow

  • at the bottom of the dags/data_retail_project.py, modify the bash command with dbt and soda project dir,dbt and soda env from where the dbt and soda will run.


  • airflow webserver
  • airflow scheduler