
According to WHO(world health organization) survey in 2014, the dataset contains nourished and malnourished child information (under 5). The job is to find out whether a child is malnourished or not when a new data will come applying machine learning algorithm.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

the dataset is confidential, that's why it was not uploaded


data: 6965

survey organization: WHO

survey year: 2014


     age at first birth : mother's age at first birth
     Child Age          : child age ( in month )
     diar               : yes or no	
     fever	          : yes or no
     ari                : yes or no
     Mother_BMI	 : (in Kg)
     Birth_Order	 : how many children
     Mother_edu         : mother educated or not
     wealth_index_cat	 : poor or rich family
     Father_Edu         : father educated or not
     residence	 : rural or urban
     sex                : male or female
     currently_working_mot: mother works outside or not
     Breastfeeding      : yes or no
     household_no       : how many family members 

decision class:

     stunting    :  child is stunting or not
     underweight : child is underweight or not
     wasting     : child is wasting or not

statistical analysis:

dataset & implementation overview

newplot (6)

number of district:


accuracy of stunting child:


accuracy of underweight child:


accuracy of wasting child:


stunting child with respect to mother education:

newplot (3)

underweight child with respect to mother education:

newplot (4)

wasting child with respect to mother education:

newplot (5)