
Extract data from Postgres then load the data into Postgres & MySQL DB & vice versa.

Primary LanguagePython

ELT (Ongoing)

Dir structure

│   README.md
│   requirements.txt  
|   .gitignore  
|   postgres_to_postgres_mysql_mongo.py
|   mysql_to_mysql_postgres.py
│   │   dvdrental.tar : sample db
│   │   config.json     : all kinds of DB credential
│   │   config.py       : mapping the credential
│   │   config_test.py  : for testing
|   |
│   │   configuration_test_case.py
│   │   mysql_to_mysql_postgres_test_case.py
│   │   postgres_to_postgres_mysql_test_case.py
    │   insert_data_mysql_to_mysql_postgres.py
    │   insert_data_mysql_to_mysql_postgres_test.py
    │   insert_data_postgres_to_postgres_mysql_test.py 
    │   insert_data_postgres_to_postgres_mysql_mongo.py
    │   insert_data_postgres_to_postgres_mysql_mongo.py
    │   truncate_data.py

How to run the project

  • create a python virtual env

    python -m venv envName
  • clone the repo into the venv

    git clone https://github.com/riju18/Data-Engineering-ELT.git
  • install packages from requirements.txt

    pip install -r requirements.txt
  • configuration --> config.json

    Add/update source & target DB credentials