
Essential & regular use of git commands

Most frequently used Git Commands



  • Username & Email

    git config --global user.name "userName"
    git config --global user.email "emailAddress"


  • init git

    git init
  • status

     git status
  • differeneces between previous & new code

    git diff 
    git diff hashNo1 
    git diff hashNo1 hashNo2
  • add in git

    git add . or git add file-name or git add -A dir-name/
  • delete file/dir

    git rm fileName
    git rm -rf dirName\
  • rename file/dir

    git mv oldFileName NewFileName
  • commit

     git commit -m "msg"
  • link to repo

     git remote add origin repo-link
  • push to repo

    git push -u origin branchName
  • sync changed code

    git pull origin branchName


  • stash : save uncommitted changes as draft.

    • init stash

      git stash
    • save stash with msg

      git stash save "msg"
    • show stash

      git stash show stash@{n}
    • stash branch

      git stash branch branchName
    • stash untracked file

      git stash -u
    • stash all file

      git stash -a
    • list of stash

      git stash list
    • aply stash

      git stash apply
    • push to master

      git push -u origin master
    • remove stash

      git stash drop
      git stash pop
    • remove last stash

      git stash pop


  • New Branch

    • all branch

       git branch
    • all unmerged branch

      git branch -a
    • create new branch

       git branch branch_name
    • activate branch

       git checkout branch_name
    • compare branch

        git diff branch1 branch2
    • goto master branch

      git checkout master
    • merge with master

      git merge branch-name
    • check all branches merged with master

      git branch --merged
    • push to repo

      git push -u origin master
  • rename branch

      git branch -m old_branch_name new_branch_name
  • delete Branch :

    git branch -d branch-name ( It'll delete locally )
    git push origin --delete branch-name


  • all previous commits of the branch

     git log
     git log branchName
     git log fileName
     git log --oneline
     git log --oneline --graph --decorate
  • history in timeframe

    git log --since="2 months ago"
  • full history of particular cmd

    git show commitHashCode
  • all previous commit with statistics

    git log --stat
  • get which cmd has been made since beginning

    git reflog


  • Basic Undo :

    • undo the new changes ( It'll remove all the new changes in the particular file)

      git checkout filename
    • change the recent commit message

      git commit --amend -m "msg"
  • delete Commit from master & add that commit in particular branch

    • 1st : copy the particular hash(6-7 chars or full)
    • 2nd : goto desired branch
    git cherry-pick coppied-hash
    • 4th : goto master branch
    git reset --soft master-initial-commit-hash
  • undo after added

    git reset fileName


  • remove all untracked file & dir

    git clean -df


Tag is always created after committing. Ex : release version.

  • create tag

    git tag -a tagName
  • tag list

    git tag --list
  • show tag

    git show tagName
  • difference between tag

    git diff tagName1 tagName2
  • tag a particular commit

    git tag -a tagName commitCode
  • update tag particular commitCode

    git tag -a tagName -f commitCode
  • delete tag

    git tag --delete tagName


  • create seperate branch

    git checkout --orphan new-branch
    git rm -rf .
  • merge

    git checkout dev
    git merge orphan_branch_name --allow-unrelated-histories --no-ff -m "Merge orphan branch into dev"