
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Week 0

1) Intro, Setting up Your IDE

  1. Landing page of Zerodha

  2. IDE --> Integrated Development environment

  3. HTML --> Very Minimal

  4. CSS --> Minimal

  5. JS --> Maximum

2) HTML Basics (Tags & Attributes)

Zerodha Fronted

3) CSS Basics

  1. Add Styles

Link to the repo : https://github.com/riju951/zerodhaLandingPage

Link to Live site : https://riju951.github.io/zerodhaLandingPage

Week 1

1) Oreintation Class

  1. Learn in Public
  2. Next 3 months full Focus

2) How to solve assignments

  1. Download zip
  2. npm i
  3. cd
  4. npx jest ./tests./(directory name)

3) JS Foundation

  1. Why languages ?
  2. Interpreted v/s compiled languages
  3. why JS >> other languages in some use cases
  4. Strict vs dyanmic languages
  5. single threaded nature of JS
  6. Simple primitive in JS ( number, Strings, boolean )
  7. Comples primitive in JS ( Arrays, Object)
  8. Functions in Javascript
  9. Pracitse problem solving

4) Basic JS APIs ( Beginners )

Level 1 & Level 2 --> Refer to ppt

5) Loops Functions and Callbacks in JS

  1. latentflip.com
  2. DRY

6) Async Functions v/s Sync Functions. real world use of callbacks

  1. JS Browswer Architecture
  2. Promises
  3. Async wait

Week 2

1) Revision of Async JS

  1. Callbacks
  2. Async Functions
  3. Promises
  4. JS function

2) Node js runtime/ HTTP

  1. ECMA Script
  2. HTTP server - Client side and server side
  3. DNS resolution
  4. Common Req to Backend server - GET POST PUT DELETE

3) Bash and Node Terminal

  1. pwd
  2. cd
  3. ls
  4. mkdir
  5. touch
  6. cat
  7. vi
  8. mv
  9. cp
  10. nvm
  11. npm
  12. node

4) Bash ( Advance ) how to install node

  1. rm
  2. chmod
  3. echo
  4. lead
  5. grep

5) Express with Examples

  1. Hospital Project

6) Filter, map and Arrow functions

7) Git and Github

  1. Git - Open source version control system
  2. Centralised vs distributes
  3. Git - OS, Scalabe and Fast
  4. Github
  5. Blob

Week 3

0) Revision

  1. What we're covering in week 3
  2. JS Foundation revision
  3. Node.js runtime
  4. Express basics
  5. Express Advance Intro
  6. Databases Intro
  7. Mongo installation
  8. Postgres installation

1) Fetch, Authentication and Databases

  1. Fetch API
  2. Authentication Hashing Encrytption JSON web tokens local storage
  3. Databases Graph Vector SQL NoSQL
  4. Express

2) Zod, middlwares

  1. Hospital
  2. Global catches
  3. Schema validation
  4. Authentication

3) Middleware with example

  1. Amsument part example
  2. Express is sequence of middleware

4) Authentication, JWTs and try/catch using real world examples

  1. Mishra ji SBI example -- chequew book
  2. GPT
  3. JWT

5) DOM - Document Object Model

  1. DOM is bridge
  2. HTML collection vs nodelist

Week 4

1) DOM Intro

  1. DOM Api is programming interface.
  2. debouncing and throtting

2) React Foundation

  1. HTML being injected with DOM via JS
  2. npm create vite@latest

Week 5

1) Diving into React

  1. static vs dynamic
  2. why react
  3. state, components and re rendering
  4. Virual DOM
  5. Counter App

2) React Project ( Todo App )

  1. Stackedit.io
  2. Backend
  3. Frontend

Week 6

1) React Hooks

  1. React App
  2. Re-rendering
  3. React memo
  4. keys
  5. wrapper
  6. hooks

2) use Effect, use Memo, use callback

  1. SideEffect
  2. Hooks
  3. usememo
  4. usecallback
  5. custom hooks
  6. memo vs usememo

3) React App

  1. Reconcilliation - CA example
  2. state
  3. usestate
  4. useeffect
  5. usememo
  6. usecallback
  7. useref

4) Assignment