

Title : IoT based sensors can be used to determine the Machine Runtime

Technology Bucket : Agriculture, FoodTech & Rural Development

Description : IoT based sensors can be used to deterrnine the Machine Run time, idle time and utilisation and should project the same data in a dashboard to give status, Power consumption and rcal time machine utilisation. Developing such solutions for MSMEs like: (i) IoT for acoustic leak dctection, to be installed in hazardous and high flammable zones. (ii) Developing IoT based smart agriculture to manage, improve productivity and efficiency of small larms. Various parameters of soil type/health, climatic conditions and irrigation management should be measured with simple devices placed in the farm, data stored in the cloud to be accessed by the user at any time and changes in the irrigation to be made according to the plant and needs to maximize water usage, improve productivity, reduce labour etc. (iii) To monitor and reduce water consumption during various processes (iv) To find out major causes of machine breakdown (v) To give preventive maintenance updates in real time (e.g. to assess when the motor heating too much, bearing vibration is high , etc)

Problem Creater's Organization : Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises

Problem Creater's Department : Ministry of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises