
Making the performant thing the easy thing.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Dom Scheduler


The DOM is pretty fast, layout is pretty fast, CSS transitions are smooth... but doing any two of them at the same time can quickly cause nasty performance glitches.

This explains why it's easy to demo a 60fps transition on a web app but real-world usage is usually full of frame drops and other issues.

The DomScheduler is not an abstraction. It's a little helper making it easy to express what type of operations you're doing, in which order. The Scheduler then takes care of making sure everything happens with the best perceived performance.

This project has 2 main goals:

  • Preventing trivial DOM changes in some unrelated part of your code from ruining a transition.
  • Enabling developers to easily express the ideal sequence for a change happening in phases (with Promise chains).

Operations types by priotity

  • Direct manipulation
  • Instant feedback
  • Transition / animation
  • Mutation

What's a typical ideal sequence?

Let's take a simple example like adding an item at the top of a list. To do that smoothly we want to:

  • [transition] push everything down to make room for the new item
  • [mutation] insert the new item into the DOM but outside of the viewport (so the item doesn't flash on screen)
  • [transition] slide the new item in the viewport

Usually this means

container.addEventListener('transitionend', function trWait() {
  el.addEventListener('transitionend', function stillWaiting() {
    el.removeEventListener('transitionend', stillWaiting);

But of course we'd rather use promises to express this kind of sequence like


Another badass sequence, using a promise-based storage system might be something like

Promise.all([reflectChangeWithTransitions(), persistChange()])
  • reflectChangeWithTransition() is a scheduled operation
  • persitChange() is your backend call
  • reflectChangeInDocument is a scheduled mutation
  • cleanUp is a scheduled mutation


Direct blocks


Direct blocks should be used for direct manipulation (touchevents, scrollevents...). As such they have the highest priority.


el.addEventListener('touchmove', (evt) => {
  scheduler.direct(() => {
    el.style.transform = computeTransform(evt);

Feedback blocks

scheduler.feedback(block, elm, evt, timeout)

Feedback blocks should be used to encapsulate CSS transitions/animations triggered in direct response to a user interaction. eg. button pressed state

They will be protected from DOM mutations to perform smoothly and they return a promise fulfilled once evt is received or after timeout.

The block will have the same priority than a direct manipulation block.


scheduler.feedback(() => {
}, el, 'transitionend').then(() => {

Transition blocks

scheduler.transition(block, elm, evt, timeout)

Transitions blocks should be used to encapsulate CSS transitions/animations. They will be protected from DOM mutations to perform smoothly and they return a promise fulfilled once evt is received or after timeout.


scheduler.transition(() => {
  el.style.transition = 'transform 0.25s ease';
}, el, 'transitionend').then(() => {
  el.style.transition = '';

Mutation blocks


Mutations blocks should be used to write to the DOM or perform actions requiring the layout to be computed.

We shoud always aim for the document to be (almost) visually identical before and after a mutation block. Any big change in layout/size will cause a flash/jump.

Mutation blocks might be delayed (eg. during a transition) and they return a promise fullfilled once the block is executed for chaining.


maestro.mutation(() => {
  el.textContent = 'Main List (' + items.length + ')';

Scheduling heuristics (TBD)

  • direct blocks are encapsulated into requestAnimationFrame
  • direct blocks and feedback transition blocks have the highest priority and delay the rest
  • transition delays mutations
  • transitions are postponed while delayed mutations are being flushed
  • when both transitions and mutations are queued because of direct manipulation, transitions are flushed first

Debug mode

While it can have a negative impact on performance, it's recommended to turn the debug mode on from time to time during development to catch frequent mistakes early on.

Currently the debug mode will warn you about

  • Transition block for which we never get an "end" event
  • Direct blocks taking longer than 16ms

You can trun on the debug mode by setting debug to true in lib/dom-scheduler.js.

Demo APP

To illustrate the benefits of the scheduling approach the project comes with a demo app: a big re-orderable (virtual) list where new content comes in every few seconds.

The interesting part is of course the "real life" behaviors:

  • when new content comes in while scrolling
  • when the edit mode is toggled while the system is busy scrolling
  • when anything happens during a re-order manipulation

(You can turn on the naive flag in lib/dom-scheduler.js to disable scheduling and compare.)

Web page version

The index.html at the root of this repository is meant for broad device and browser testing so we try to keep gecko/webkit/blink compatibility.

A (potentially outdated) version of the demo is usually accessible at http://sgz.fr/ds and should work on any mobile device.

Packaged version

The demo-app directory is a certified packaged app where we experiment with web components and other stuffs.

Before installing it with the WebIDE run:

git submodule init && git submodule update


  1. $ npm install
  2. $ npm test

If you would like tests to run on file change use:

$ npm run test-dev

Lint check

Run lint check with command:

$ npm run lint


Mozilla Public License 2.0
