
Easily connect to EC2 bastion hosts, ECS hosts and setup tunnels for RDS connection

Primary LanguageShell



Having active AWS credentials, show and execute the ssh commandline to connect to:

  • Bastion host
  • ECS host
  • RDS database instance (tunnel)

For EC2 instances that are registered in SSM, use aws-ssh ssm to connect to those instances over SSM. This also works for instances that do not have a public IP address and are not reachable over the internet.

How it works

For SSH connections:

  • Find the IP address of a EC2 instance with a tag bastion
  • Find the IP address of EC2 instances in the private networks
  • Get the ssh key name assigned to the bastion host
  • Show the ssh command to set up the tunnel or to log in to the host (deprecated for non-public instances, it's better to use aws-ssh ssm)

For SSM connections:

  • Get the list of EC2 instances registered in SSM
  • Setup the connection to the host


  • aws-sts-assumerole or any other way to set your AWS credentials as shell environment variables.
  • Active credentials for the account you want to interact with. These credentials can be set with previous dependency, aws-sts-assumerole or ...
  • (optional, only required when not using SSM) A valid private SSH key for the account. The SSH key should have the name as the key name in AWS, and should be available in the directory ~/.ssh (default) or the directory set in the environment variable ${AWS_SSH_PRIVKEYHOME}. The private key will be loaded with ssh-add if not already loaded.
  • If access to your AWS SSH assets are protected by a VPN, the VPN should be up and running to be able to ssh into the resources in that account.
  • When using SSM to connect, you should install thw SessionManagerPlugin for the AWS CLI. See here for instructions.

Environment Variables


The directory where assumerole will look for private keys. The default location is ~/.ssh.


The name of the private key to use to connect to the EC2 instances. The key will be searched in AWS_SSH_PRIVKEYHOME if it is a relative path (does not start with a /). If the name starts with a /, that absolute path will be used.




Set the AWS_SSH_RDS_LOCAL_PORT environment variable to override the local port used for the SSH tunnel to your RDS database. Easier still, add the following line to your ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc file:




Start a ssh session on the Bastion host.

$ ~/projects/AWS/aws-ssh/aws-ssh bastion
INFO - Private key id_rsa_XXXXXXXX already loaded
INFO - Log in to bastion account
Last login: Thu Oct  4 06:03:16 2018 from host.acme.com

       __|  __|_  )
       _|  (     /   Amazon Linux 2 AMI

27 package(s) needed for security, out of 374 available
Run "sudo yum update" to apply all updates.

You can optionally add a command to execute on the remote host:

$ aws-ssh bastion sudo ip a
INFO - Private key id_rsa_ixor.ixordocs-prd already loaded
INFO - Log in to bastion account
1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN group default qlen 1000
    link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00
    inet scope host lo
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
    inet6 ::1/128 scope host
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
Connection to closed.
[~][aws: ixordocs-prd]


When running aws-ssh ecs, the ssh commands to connect to the ECS hosts on the account for which credentials are active will be printed to stdout.

$ ./aws-ssh ecs
INFO - Private key id_rsa_lemo-acc already loaded
INFO - Show commands to connect to ec2 instances
ssh -t -A ec2-user@ 'ssh -A'
ssh -t -A ec2-user@ 'ssh -A'

When only 1 ECS host was found, the ssh command will be executed rather than printed on stdout.

You can optionally add a command to execute on the remote host:

$ aws-ssh ecs docker stats
$ aws-ssh ecs docker info
INFO - Private key id_rsa_ixor.ixordocs-prd already loaded
INFO - Show commands to connect to ECS ec2 instances
Containers: 8
 Running: 8
 Paused: 0
 Stopped: 0
Images: 9


Run a command on a docker container running in an ECS cluster.

$ aws-ssh dockerexec string /bin/sh
INFO - Private key /Users/rik/AWS/xxxxxxxxxxxxx already loaded

The command syntax is:

aws-ssh dockerps string [command]


  • string: The command is run on the first container whose name matches string
  • cmd: The command to run, defaults to /bin/bash.


Set up a tunnel to a service running in an ECS cluster.

$ aws-ssh ecsservicetunnel preproc 8844
INFO - Private key /Users/rik/AWS/xxxxxxxxxxxxx already loaded
INFO: Tunnel to service  is established on localhost:8844
      The tunnel is running in the background, do not forget to kill the
      corresponding ssh process.

Once the tunnel is successfully set up, you can connect to is using the port you specified on the commandline (default local port is 9999).

$ curl http://localhost:8844
  "_links" : {
    "profile" : {
      "href" : "http://localhost:8844/profile"

The command syntax is:

aws-ssh ecsservicetunnel string [port]


  • string: The tunnel is setup to the first service that matches string
  • port: The local port to use, defaults to 9999


Show all Docker containers running on the AWS account. Useful if you want to connect to the ECS host where a certain container is running.

$ ./aws-ssh dockerps
INFO - Private key id_rsa_XXXXXXX already loaded
INFO - Show docker container info on all ECS hosts
INFO - Show docker containers on
60663c70bfce        123456789012.dkr.ecr.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/XXXX/image001:latest
cb5a0595b9d6        123456789012.dkr.ecr.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/XXXX/image002:latest
7998df9e8008        123456789012.dkr.ecr.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/XXXX/image003:latest
efecf61ca32d        riktytgat/https-redirect-with-healthcheck
1d72eb548a79        amazon/amazon-ecs-agent:latest
Connection to closed.
INFO - Show docker containers on
f33d8e093aee        123456789012.dkr.ecr.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/XXXX/image001:latest
d0be09bfe23a        amazon/amazon-ecs-agent:latest
Connection to closed.


Prints the commands to set up a tunnel to the RDS databases on the account.

$ ./aws-ssh rdstunnel
INFO - Private key id_rsa_XXXXXXX already loaded
INFO - Show command to setup tunnel to RDS
ssh -f -Nnt -A -L 3306:mysql-01.jdien58dhh59d.eu-central-1.rds.amazonaws.com:3306 ec2-user@


Creates a tunnel to a specific destination (passed as <ip> <port>) via the bastion host.

aws-ssh custombastiontunnel 3389


Creates a tunnel to a specific instance (by selecting it from a list) and ports (local port and remote port).

aws ssh portforward 12345 5432


Too many authentication failures

$ ssh -t -A ec2-user@ 'ssh -A'
Received disconnect from port 22:2: Too many authentication failures
Authentication failed.
Connection to closed.

This usually means that you have too many keys (>5) loaded in yous SSH agent:

$ ssh-add -l | wc -l

Remove the keys you will not be using soon until you have 5 or less:

$ ssh-add -d <full-path-to-private-key>