
Use this component to import from kinds of files into database

Primary LanguagePHP


Updated module which uses PHPOffice / PhpSpreadsheet

Yii2-import is an extension for Yii Framework. It helps you transfer file into models. Currently support Excel format only. But it's easily to extend to support your file.


You can use composer to install this extension by:

  • run
$ php composer.phar require rikcage/yii2-import "*"
  • or add
"rikcage/yii2-import": "*"

to your composer.json and then execute 'composer update'.


Assume there is a model class

class Post extends Model
	const STATUS_NEW = 0;
	public $title;
	public $status;
	public $content;
	public static function getStatusList()
		return [
			self::STATUS_NEW = 'New',
			self::STATUS_APPROVED = 'Approved',

And the form and view as below.

class ImportForm extends Model
	public $file;
	public function rules()
		return [
			['file', 'file', 'skipOnEmpty' => false, 'extensions' => 'xlsx'],
<?php $form = ActiveForm::begin(['options' => ['enctype' => 'multipart/form-data']]); ?>
    <?= $form->field($model, 'file')->fileInput() ?>

    <div class="form-group">
        <?= Html::submitButton('Submit', ['class' => 'btn btn-primary']) ?>
<?php ActiveForm::end(); ?>

User have uploaded one Excel file as below.

Some Description 1
Some Description 2
Title Status Content
Post 1 New Content 1
Post 2 Approved Content 2
Approved Content 3
Post 3 New Content 4

Now you can use below code in the controller to help you get the file into models.

$uploadFile = UploadedFile::getInstance($model, 'file');
$importer = new Importer([
	'file' => $uploadFile,
	'modelClass' => Post::className(),
	'skipRowsCount' => 3, // description lines and header lines should be skipped
	'columnMappings' => [
			'attribute' => 'title',
			'required' => true, // if set this to true, the row that missing this value will be skipped. As in the example line 6 will be skipped
			'attribute' => 'status',
			'translation' => function($orgValue, $rowData) {
				return array_search($orgValue, Post::getStatusList());
			}, // this function help fill the status like '0' instead of 'New'
	'validateWhenImport' => true, //if set this attribute to true, importer will help you validate the models and report the validation errors by $importer->validationErrors

try {
	$posts = $importer->import();
} catch (InvalidFileException $e) {
	$model->addError('file', 'Invalid import file.');

Now you have your models in $posts. The structure of $posts will be

	4 => Post{title='Post 1', status=0, content='Content 1'},
	5 => Post{title='Post 2', status=1, content='Content 2'},
	7 => Post{title='Post 3', status=0, content='Content 4'},

Also, you can check imported rows number by $importer->importRows, which is an array of successful imported rows number.

You can notify user about the import result as below.

Yii::$app->session->setFlash("success", count($importer->getImportRows()) . ' rows had been imported');
foreach ($importer->getValidationErrors() as $lineno => $errors) {
	foreach ($errors as $attribute => $errorMessages) {
		$error = $errorMessages[0];
	Yii::$app->session->addFlash("error", 'Line ' . $lineno . ' has error: ' . $error);