
Update Version 1.0.1

suecharo opened this issue · 1 comments

Update Version 1.0.1
  1. Added the Gram matrix normalization
    Thanks to this modification, the HSIC score takes [0 1].
    More specifically, let us denote K as the normalized Gram matrix by its Frobenius norm.
    Then, trace(K*K) = 1.

    Due to the modification, I also slightly modified the selected features list
    in test_classification.py and test_+regression.py to pass the tests.

  2. Modified the README.md
    Included the following lines:

   >>> from pyHSICLasso import HSICLasso
   >>> hsic_lasso = HSICLasso()

This would help users to use our package.

  1. Sorting A with respect to feature importance (beta)

  2. The feature importance of the last selected feature was zero. Thus, I fixed.

  3. Due to sorting A, I rewrite the unit tests.