
Go Urban Stripe Client

Primary LanguageJava


Scope of the project:

  • Write a small console client for Stripe for the following scenario:

1 - Ask user for email.

2 - User enters email.

3 - Create customer at Stripe with the entered email address (Stripe API key: sk_test_4eC39HqLyjWDarjtT1zdp7dc)

4 - Create a credit card source in sStripe with token tok_at and type card and attach it as default source to the created customer.

5 - Ask user for the amount of the charge in Euro.

6 - Create a charge for the requested amount.

7 - Ask the user if he wants to capture the charge or refund it.

8 - Charge or refund the charge.

Riccardo's Notes:

Here what I have done:

  • I have created a gradle project. I have imported Spring Boot ( because it was suggested; but I have not used any feature of this framework).
  • I have imported Apache commons for input validation
  • I have imported the Stripe library to perform the operations on credit cards
  • I have created:
    • InputCollector class to take input from the client
    • InputValidator class to validate user inputs (this class have been unit tested; check test package)
    • Transaction class is an object where I store the amount and the owner of the transaction
    • StripeClient class is a Stripe client which takes a transaction as input and calls the Stripe api