
Collection of mini games made with javascript and python

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Gamebreak is an open source web based collection of mini games made using javascript. The aim of the project is to unleash the creativity of javascript developers and assemble a collection of free and fun web games.


Every sort of contribution will be very helpful to enhance Game Break. You are welcome to add new games, improve existing ones and work on landing page of the platform.


  • Fork this repositry

  • Clone on your local machine

  • Make a new branch and make changes locally.

  • To add a new game, navigate to games directory and make a new directory for your game.

cd games
  • To display your game on the main site, add details in the data.json file in the same format as other games their.
cd homepage/assets/json
  • Push your changes.
  • Create a new pull request from your forked repository.