
an unoffical whatsapp bot with utilities like song download, meme post and sticker generation, etc

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A modular Whatsapp bot.

Dev-environment setup:

  • Install Docker, VS Code and Dev Containers extension.
  • Start the Docker application (It has to be keep running in background).
  • Open Windows/Linux/Mac CMD/Terminal and do
    git clone https://github.com/bunnykek/cheems-bot
    cd cheems-bot
    code .
    or manually open the cheems-bot project folder in vs code.
  • Now in VS Code, hit ctrl + shift + P and search Dev Containers: Rebuild and Reopen in Container. It will take few minutes depending on your internet connection. image
  • Now the project will re-open in a proper pre-configured environment/container.
  • Rename .envexample file to .env and fill the details.
  • To start the bot use the command node bot.js or npm run test

Building modules guide:

  • Use sticker module for reference.
  • Each module should contain a file named "interface.js".
  • "interface.js" must contain a class named "Module".
  • "Module" Class must contain these three things.
    • command variable. command = ['!sticker', '!steal']
    • description variable. description = ['!sticker desc.', '!steal desc.']
    • operate(client, message) function.

Modules To-do list:

  • Sticker (!sticker, !steal, !image, !square)
  • Group management (!warn, !ban, !kick, etc)
  • AI Chatbot (!gemini query)
  • Music (!song query)
  • Year progress
  • Animal module (!cat, !dog, !bunny, etc)
  • Random (!rmeme, !ranime, !rsong)
  • Meme (!meme [subreddit])
  • youtube-dl (!ytdl url)
  • Urban dictionary (!ud query)
  • Wikipedia (!wiki [query], !wikipdf [query])
  • Counting (!count expression)