Extract useful statistics from keyboard events, generate unique signatures and detect intruders.
See also: Keylogger.
- Extract metrics from keystroke data.
- Generate a verifiable signature from the metrics.
- Create a mechanism to authenticate a user based on a previous signature.
- Duration of key press [durationOfPress]
- Duration of key transition [timeToNext]
- Distribution of keys [keyDistribution]
- Length of line [Not implemented]
- Spelling mistakes [Not implemented]
Initial Results
Evolution of a timeToNext-based signature over the course of 3 hours. Frames were taken every 3 minutes. No filtering was done at this point.
The shade of gray represents the transition duration relative to the others. Black squares indicate either a very fast transition time relative to the other transitions or one that hasn't been encountered yet.
Evolution of a durationOfPress-based signature showing average keypress times.
Simple durationOfPress chart showing average values.
timeToNext-based signatures from two runs of typing the same text (random wikipedia article).