
This project is to implement multiperceptron of neural network in the live setting. For this case I create for alphabet recognition

Primary LanguageJava

Multilayer Perceptron

One of the most famous neural network method is multilayer perceptron. Here, we want to make a documentation of our project using multilayer perceptron for alphabet recognition.

We used NetBeans IDE with Java Programming Language to build the implementation.

We have to GUI here, training interface and testing interface.

a. training interface

1 pict

b. testing interface

2 pict


How to use it?

  1. Input the pattern of alphabet, tell the system "what is the alphabeth" give the alpha and thetha as the learning rate, click save and training. The system will learn that this is the "K" alphabet. Also repeat for "X"

3 pict

4 pict

5 pict

  1. Move to testing mode. Write the "K" alphabet or "X" and then see the response of the system. It should return the same as we taught to them.

6 pict

7 pict

8 pict

"System will learn depend on us. if we teach the wrong thing, system will return the wrong thing as well" Thank you. Happy learning all