
A Python Bluetooth LE to MQTT bridge

Primary LanguagePython


A Python Bluetooth LE to MQTT bridge

Should be run as root or as user with appropriate permissions to start BT LE scans.

Last time I tried, the MQTT server built into HA did not support the MQTT protocol fully. So use Mosquitto or another full-featured MQTT server instead!

Needs paho.mqtt.client and bluepy.

Run the bridge

Run like this:

source /opt/ble-mqtt/bin/activate ; /opt/ble-mqtt/ble-mqtt-bridge.py

Run the watcher

There is a watcher script which I need because I use a Intel AC7260 card for Bluetooth, which crashes quite often. The script works around that by waiting for too many errors or too little activity (sometimes the card stops responding to anything and doesn't even report scan results). It then removes the btusb modules, waits 5 seconds for USB autosuspend to kick in and then reloads the module. This prevents BT failures very reliably for me.

Run as

source /opt/ble-mqtt/bin/activate ; /opt/ble-mqtt/watcher.py

Use config file

To allow for easy configuration, the bridge expects ./config/ble-mqtt-conf.json to exist. Generally, the config can be split into 3 parts: mqtt, scan and knownDevices.

mqtt contains broker related information (host, port, user, password). All values can be omitted for hard-coded default values.

scan controls BLE scanning. If both initial and loop are set to false, no BLE scanning will take place, thus not requiring root. timeout is configurable in seconds.

knownDevices can be used to map BLE device MACs, UUIDs and handles to human-readable names. If not set, the broker will simply not translate and use the values from MQTT. If a handle is defined for a characteristic (UUID or name), the broker will always use the given handle as it gives a much better performance.

Example config

This example config contains the default values for mqtt and scan.

    "mqtt": {
        "host": "localhost",
        "port": "1883",
        "user": "",
        "password": ""
    "scan": {
        "initial": true,
        "loop": false,
        "timeout": 5
    "knownDevices": [
            "mac": "11:11:11:11:11:11",
            "name": "livingroom",
            "characteristics": [
                { "uuid": "47e9ee2b-47e9-11e4-8939-164230d1df67", "handle": "0x003d", "name": "temperature" },
                { "uuid": "47e9ee30-47e9-11e4-8939-164230d1df67", "handle": "0x0048", "name": "pin" },
            "mac": "22:22:22:22:22:22",
            "name": "bedroom",
            "characteristics": [

Run in Docker

To run the bridge in a Docker container, use the Dockerfile to build your own container, e.g. using:

docker build -t "ble-mqtt-bridge:rpi-latest" .

When running the container, some options need to be considered:

Option Description
--net host allow bluetooth access on host
--privileged allow BLE scans (needs root)
-v /path/to/config/:/app/config/ bind your local config file to the container
docker run -dit \
--net host \
--name ble-mqtt-bridge \
-v home/pi/ble-mqtt-bridge/config/:/app/config/ \

Build and run has been tested using a Raspberry Pi 3 B+ using Raspbian Strech Lite.

Example Home Assistant configuration

IPV 877710 Cccool Chain Control Bluetooth sensor

  - platform: mqtt
    state_topic: "ble/88:4a:ea:bb:bb:bb/advertisement/ff"
    name: 'Sensor 1'
    unit_of_measurement: '°C'
    value_template: >-
      {% if value[0:2]|int(base=16) is lessthan(128) %}
      {{ value[0:2]|int(base=16)|float + value[2:4]|int(base=16)|float/256 }}
      {% else %}
      {{ value[0:2]|int(base=16)|float + value[2:4]|int(base=16)|float/256 - 256.0 }}
      {% endif %}

April Brother ABTemp Temperature BLE Sensor Beacon

  - platform: mqtt
    state_topic: "ble/12:3b:6a:cc:cc:cc/advertisement/ff"
    name: 'Beacon SZ'
    unit_of_measurement: '°C'
    value_template: >-
      {% if value[0:2] == '4c' %}
      {{ value[46:48]|int(base=16)|float }}
      {% else %}
      {{ states.sensor.beacon_sz.state }}
      {% endif %}

April Brother Smart BLE Accelerometer iBeacon Beacon Sensor

- platform: mqtt
    state_topic: "ble/12:3b:6a:dd:dd:dd/advertisement/ff"
    name: 'Blue Beacon'
    unit_of_measurement: '°C'
    value_template: >-
      {% if value[0:2] == 'd2' %}
      {{ value[18:20]|int(base=16)|float }}
      {% else %}
      {{ states.sensor.blue_beacon.state }}
      {% endif %}

Comet Blue BLE thermostat (using https://github.com/seidler2547/home-assistant-cc)

  - platform: sygonix
        mac: livingroom
        pin: 000000