
Code for ICMLA 2019 tutorial "Running and analyzing machine learning experiments in the cloud with AWS, Python, and R"

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookMIT LicenseMIT

Running and analyzing machine learning experiments in the cloud with AWS, Python, and R

This is the code accompanying the tutorial given at IEEE ICMLA 2019 titled "Running and analyzing machine learning experiments in the cloud with AWS, Python, and R".

This tutorial provides an introduction to the cloud via Amazon Web Services (AWS) and covers launching Jupyter notebooks backed by machines in the cloud, some ML with scikit-learn, and analyzing the results using R and Shiny.



The slides are available here: slides.pdf

The videos for each part are on YouTube:

Part 1: Introduction to the cloud and Amazon Web Services

  • What is the cloud?
  • Why use the cloud for ML experimentation?
  • Review AWS services: S3, EC2, SageMaker
  • Walkthrough of setting up AWS account via the AWS web console
  • Launch our first Jupyter notebook in the cloud!

Part 2: ML with Python in Jupyter

  • Using Medicare payments data, can we predict provider specialties from their billed procedures?
  • Data processing, exploratory analysis, sparse matrix creation (1-medicare-data.ipynb)
  • Train Random Forest model (2-scikit-learn.ipynb)
  • Set up grid search experiment that saves results to S3

Part 3: Shiny dashboard with R

An live example of the Shiny dashboard is here: https://rikturr.shinyapps.io/results_dashboard/

Part 4: Heavy experimentation

Part 4 was mostly skipped due to lack of time during the tutorial, but the code and previous video walkthrough can be found in this repo: aws-ml-experimenter