- 0
How to implement SSL in stomp?
#30 opened by imbichitra - 0
not able to connect to Stomp server
#29 opened by parthdave93 - 8
Keep getting SocketException: Failed host lookup: 'ws://' (OS Error: No address associated with hostname, errno = 7) while trying to connect from an emulator
#19 opened by eshiett1995 - 4
Examples do not work
#26 opened by jodinathan - 0
Example for flutter code not present in docs.
#25 opened by saurabhgour - 0
- 2
- 3
Stomp makes TWO requests when using basic auth, causing Sec-WebSocket-Accept to be invalid
#20 opened by nyvelius - 1
Because first_app depends on stomp >=0.5.1 which requires SDK version <2.0.0, version solving failed.
#18 opened by eshiett1995 - 2
- 8
support stomp over sockjs_dart
#11 opened by mmly - 1
Ascertain response on connection error
#10 opened by revelfire - 3
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Support onConnect callback s.t., the caller can process the headers of the CONNECT request
#9 opened by tomyeh - 4
When performing sendJson(), headers for application/json are being overridden with text/plain
#6 opened by revelfire - 1
Malformed input and subscribeJson
#3 opened by wienczny - 0