
Minitex is a command-line application for managing academic references in the BibTeX format | Python | Robot Framework | SQLite3

Primary LanguagePython


Minitex is a command-line application for managing academic references in the BibTeX format. Created for the software engineering course Ohjelmistotuotanto at the University of Helsinki in autumn 2022.

Created by:


Continuous Integration codecov



See the user manual for more information.

How to install

# Get the source code
$ git clone git@github.com:rikurauhala/minitex.git

# Change directory
$ cd minitex

# Install dependencies
$ poetry install

How to run

# Run the application
$ poetry run invoke start

# Alternative way to run
$ poetry shell
$ python src/index.py

How to test

# Run unit tests 
$ poetry run invoke test

# Run user story tests
$ poetry run invoke robot


Definition of Done

Program is planned well. Code is written with Python. Code tests are passed with 75% coverage. Program works as intended and user story tests are done and passed with Robot Framework. Code is documented. Continuous integration and delivery is used.