
Analyzes time between facebook pokes

Primary LanguagePython

Codacy Badge #Pokes So you know when you're poking someone on facebook but don't want to look desperate?

This fun script can keep track of the times in between pokes.

#How 2 use:

  1. git clone

  2. python timestamp.py

  3. Enter name of person and who poked last

  4. mode tutorial:

    a) stamp: timestamp right now

    b) cstamp: write custom timestamp (not right now)

    c) read: read all times between pokes in order

    d) split: read all times between pokes, split by poker

  5. do the right mode. get the right times. ezpz

Want to test it? here are exact instructions.

$ python timestamp.py
$ name: testname
$ mode: read