This is a CDK Project for spinning up a Valheim game server on AWS Using ECS Fargate and Amazon EFS!
Uses valheim-server-docker - thanks to lloesche for putting it together!
Making the assumption you have an AWS Account Already and a valid set of creds configured:
- Create a Secret named valheimServerPass in the same region you plan to deploy the CDK Stack - we reference it by name here and pass that value to our container as a secret. valheim-server-docker requires this to be AT LEAST 5 characters (ideally much more). The secret string should be a key value pair as below:
aws secretsmanager create-secret --name valheimServerPass --secret-string '{"VALHEIM_SERVER_PASS":"SuperSecretServerPassword"}'
- Clone down our source code:
git clone && valheim-ecs-fargate-cdk
- Install dependencies:
npm i
- Setup the config
cp .env.example .env
Decide if you want the optional AWS App gateway lambda endpoints to start and stop your server and get the server status. If you do, then change
. -
Assuming you have already bootstrapped your account via the CDK (see here if not) - deploy the stack
npx cdk deploy --all
- enjoy accidentally chopping trees onto your friends powered by AWS!
If you want to configure the Valheim server, then you can do so in .env
. Environment variables with the VALHEIM_DOCKER_
prefix will be used in the environment we run the docker image in.
To see a full list of possible environment variables, see valheim-server-docker#environment-variables
- This must be a fresh depoyment. If
exists in the container, then we will not copy the files from S3 into the docker container. - Create a ZIP file of your existing world.
- This MUST follow the folder structure at the bottom of the steps.
- The name of this ZIP file MUST match the BOOTSTRAP_WITH_WORLD_NAME environment variable (in
- Update
to the same filename. - Deploy
npx cdk deploy --all
- After depoying, double check and make sure that the world was loaded and it didn't error and create a new one.
- I would check for something like
Load world: MyCoolValheimServer (MyCoolValheimServer)
- If this was a world from a previous version, then you should see a lot of
Old location found ...
ZIP archive structure:
# kayo @ ClockTower in ~/workspace/valheim-ecs-fargate-cdk on git:bootstrap-world o [22:02:46]
$ unzip -l resources/worlds/
Archive: resources/worlds/
Length Date Time Name
--------- ---------- ----- ----
39 2021-02-13 18:16 adminlist.txt
40 2021-02-13 18:16 bannedlist.txt
42 2021-02-13 18:16 permittedlist.txt
217 2021-02-12 20:26 Player-prev.log
217 2021-02-12 20:28 Player.log
218 2023-01-02 23:39 prefs
0 2023-01-08 20:52 worlds_local/
69646068 2022-11-28 12:04 worlds_local/MyCoolValheimServer.db
44 2022-11-28 12:04 worlds_local/MyCoolValheimServer.fwl
--------- -------
141326454 13 files
Coming soon
This assumes that you either have credentials that give you admin roles or have setup an IAM role with the required permsissions.
aws ecs execute-command
--region <REGION> \
--command "/bin/bash" \
Now you should have an interactive shell you can use to explore the container.
Install the ecs-cli by running the following (this assumes Linux - for other environments see here)
sudo curl -Lo /usr/local/bin/ecs-cli
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/ecs-cli
Using the Cluster Name outputted by successfully running the CDK template - run the following command:
You will be presented with the public ip of your server as follows:
Name State Ports TaskDefinition Health
ValheimServerAwsCdkStack-fargateCluster7F3D820B-AxbOSXn1ghAs/8d190269c9df4d3e9709dccb89bdf3d8/valheimContainer RUNNING>2456/udp,>2457/udp,>2458/udp ValheimServerAwsCdkStackvalheimTaskDefinitionB5805DE1:17 UNKNOWN
Game server runs on port 2456 (unless changed)
goto the ECS Service page (click the services dropdown and select ECS - or click here if you are in us-east-2). From here - you will see a Cluster listed. Click the cluster name to continue to the details page.
At the bottom half of the screen - click the Tasks tab tab - you should see a "Task ID". Click the task id to continue to the next page.
Finally - the public IP of your server will be listed here - under the Network section. Connect to the server using the IP and port 2456!
Coming soon