
Primary LanguageC++

Save your tour files to the same folder as the TSP program file.

Compile the program by executing the following code at the command line:


	g++ -std=c++11 main.cpp tsp.cpp gls.cpp christofides.cpp -o tsp

Run the program with the following code at the command line:

	./tsp [file name]
Replace [file name] with the name of the file for which you want to run the GLS algorithm.

The program will output a summary of the results to the terminal and 
the best tour solution to an output file in the same directory as the program.

NOTE: Generalized limits have been put on the driving variables for the algorithm based
      on the size of the TSP problem. The program is pre-set to terminate after 3 minutes.
      For extra large TSP problems that are allowed to run beyond the 3 minute limit, you
      must go to the tsp.cpp file of the program and, in the TSP constructor, setMaxTime(int)
      in seconds or in infinite time, INT_MAX. If you choose to run the algorithm in infinite 
      time, then you MUST define an iteration limit or the program will run in and infinite 
      loop. Thus, if you run in infinite time and your problem size is larger than 1,000 
      cities, then go to the tsp.cpp file again and, in the setProblem() function, define 
      the setGlsIterations(int) to a specified integer greater than 300,000.