Overview of First Project
Twitch+: A Personalized Twitch Resources Recommendation Engine
Designed and built a full-stack web application for users to search twitch resources (stream/video/clip) and get recommendations.
Built a web page with rich + user friendly experience using React and Ant Design
Implemented RESTful APIs using Java servlets, retrieved real Twitch resources using Twitch API and stored data in MySQL. Support login/logout and favorite collection.
Explored multiple recommendation algorithms and extracted game information from Twitch resources to implement a Content-based algorithm. Deployed the service to AWS EC2 for better stability.
Create New Project in IDEA
On the New Project page,
Java Enterprise
Build Tool: Maven
Languages: Java
Project SDK field, choose the JDK you’ve installed on your laptop/desktop, and click OK.
libraries and Frameworks:
- Servlet (4.0.1)
- add Apache Tomcat as a Run/Debug Configuration
- Tomcat Server
- Local
Click the Configure… button for Application Server:
Now specify the Tomcat Home. Locate where the Tomcat directory you saved on your disk:
Notice the warning at the bottom? Click Fix, and choose jupiter: war exploded.
Click OK or Apply
clicking the green
- Right-click on the java source folder, then choose New, then Create New Servlet
Now we have a default empty servlet
Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE
for more information.
Riley Shen - ripple.shen31@gmail.com
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