
🗒 Full page <head> management for Rill.

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Full page management for Rill. Updating the document is done using the set-page library, with the same api (excluding render).


npm install @rill/page


const app = require('rill')()
const page = require('@rill/page')
const React = require('react')
const renderer = require('@rill/react')

// Set default <head> tags (can override later).
// Must come before render middleware.
  .html({ lang: 'en' })
  .body({ class: 'loading' })
  .meta({ charset: 'utf8' })
  .title('My App')
  .meta({ name: 'author', content: 'Dylan Piercey' })
  .meta({ name: 'descripton', content: 'It is very cool' })
  .link({ rel: 'stylesheet', href: 'index.css' })
  .script({ src: 'index.js', async: true })

// Setup React rendering in Rill as an example, but any will do.
app.use(renderer({ root: 'body' }))

  // Override the title for the admin page.
  page.title('My App > Admin'),
  ({ req, res, page }, next)=> {
    // You can also override dynamically by accessing `page` from the context.
    page.meta({ name: 'description', content: 'Updated description' })

    // @rill/page will wrap any html already rendered (in this case jsx) with a document.
    res.body = <div>Hello World</div>

    // On the server the final response will be. (formatted for clarity)
      <!DOCTYPE html>
          <meta charset="utf8">
          <title>My App > Admin</title>
          <meta name="author" name="Dylan Piercey">
          <meta name="description" content="Updated description">
          <link rel="stylesheet" href="index.css">
          <script src="index.js" async></script>
          <div>Hello World</div>


  • Use npm test to run tests.

Please feel free to create a PR!