
Boilerplate infra, conventions and helper methods to make usage of MassTransit a breeze to use.

Primary LanguageC#


Infrastructure project contains boilerplate, conventions and helper methods to make usage of MassTransit a breeze to use. Some stuff isn't implemented yet so feel free implementing it. For example, extra configuration for message TTL etc.

Step by step usage

  • Add Messaging.Infrastructure.ServiceBus
  • Nuget add pkgs: MassTransit (and all dependencies) and optional: MassTransit.SimpleInjector, and consolidate packages in solution.
  • In your IoC/Bootup class:
    • Register BusConfiguration (as a factory method, connection to the service bus)
      • You can find the connection info in the Azure portal: Bus - Shared Access Policies - click the Policy - observe connection string
    • Register IBusConfigurator (choose AzureSbBusConfigurator or RabbitMqBusConfigurator)
    • Register IBusControl (as a factory method, IBusConfigurator will give you one. This is the actual Bus that you use to send, publish, receive)
    • Upon program startup, Instantiate the IBusControl and call .Start()
    • Don't forget to .Stop(), so that client-specific queues get deleted
  • More Code & usage: see example projects (Messaging.Lab.Sender.frmMain.cs and Messaging.Lab.Receiver.Program.cs)


  • Always use IBusControl, not IBus!
  • For messages (separate Commands and Events) always use interface as a base, implement them, and send/publish using the classes not the interfaces, for type safety!!!
    • Ex: IDominateCountryCommand (interface) > DominateSwedenCommand (class)
    • Ex: ICountryDominatedEvent (interface) > SwedenDominatedEvent : ICountryDominatedEvent
    • Ex: ICountryDominatedEvent (interface) > SwedenDominatedEvent : ICountryDominatedEvent, ICountryDominatedVersionTwo
  • You should always send to exactly one send endpoint (queue) for every message's super-type (the inteface, ie ICountryDominatedEvent, IDominateCountryCommmand), and the sub-types (classes) will share that same topic/queue. Example: bus.GetSendEndpointAsync(); and bus.Send(new DominateSwedenCommand)
    • Again: in the same manner, you should cfg.ReceiveEndpoint only on the super-type (interface)
  • Use Azure Service Bus Explorer for investigating the queues, just paste the connection string

Setup with submodule

  • Add submodule > git submodule add git@git:Common/Messaging.git [foldername]
  • Open the solutionfile for this project (Messaging.Infrastructure.sln)
  • Rebuild, so that packages are restored
  • Open your root solution
  • Add this project and rebuild
  • Git commit now!

Conventions & Patterns

  • Commands Naming: [Verb][Noun]Command ie 'UpdateOrderCommand' - should be sent by using Bus.Send(), or Endpoint.Send() - only to be executed once, single service instance performs the command action.
  • Queries Naming: Get[Noun]Query ie 'GetOrderQuery' - should be sent by using Bus.Send(), or Endpoint.Send(), with request/reply pattern always expecting an answer. Use these as you would use Commands.
  • Events Naming: [Noun][Verb]Event ie 'OrderUpdatedEvent' - should be published by using Bus.Publish() - to be observed by multiple consumers, see https://www.maldworth.com/2015/10/27/masstransit-send-vs-publish/

Queue names and setup

Use the top-most type, the interface - as the name of the Topic/Queue. See: http://docs.masstransit-project.com/en/v2-develop/overview/versioning.html and https://github.com/MassTransit/MassTransit/blob/develop/doc/source/usage/messages.rst

Usage examples

  • Configuration:

         var busConfig = new BusConfiguration
             // Endpoint=sb://......servicebus.windows.net/;SharedAccessKeyName=RootManageSharedAccessKey;SharedAccessKey=abc
             ConnectionUri = "sb://.....servicebus.windows.net", 
             Login = "RootManageSharedAccessKey",
             Password = "abc"
         return busConfig;
  • When not using IoC: See the lab projects (fromMain.cs and Program.cs)

     	IBusFactoryConfigurator cfg;
         // Command Consumers 
         cfg.ReceiveEndpoint<IDominateCountryCommand>(c =>
             // Since we share one endpoint, both command consumers will get the message.
         // Event Consumers
         cfg.ReceiveEndpoint<ICountryWasDominatedEvent>(c =>
             // Since we share one endpoint, both command consumers will get the message.
     	cfg.UseRetry(Retry.Exponential(3, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5), TimeSpan.FromMinutes(2), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5)));
  • When using IoC. Example:

     	container.Register<BusConfiguration>(() => config);
     	container.Register<HelloWorldConsumer>(); // Not sure if this is necessary because the SimpleInjectorMassTransit-pkg may be scanning for everything implementing IConsumer<>.
         public static Container CreateCommonContainer(string[] withArguments)
             // 1. Create a new Simple Injector container
             var container = new Container();
             // 2. Configure the container (register)
             container.Register<IBusControl>(() => CreateIBusControl(container));
             return container;
         private static IBusControl CreateIBusControl(Container withContainer)
             var configurator = withContainer.GetInstance<IBusConfigurator>();
             return configurator
                 .CreateBus((cfg, host) => 
     				cfg.ReceiveEndpoint<IDominateCountryCommand> c => c.LoadFrom(withContainer)))
     				cfg.UseRetry(Retry.Exponential(3, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5), TimeSpan.FromMinutes(2), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5)));

Help & Refs

http://docs.masstransit-project.com/en/latest/usage/consumer.html http://docs.masstransit-project.com/en/latest/usage/messages.html -. on commands vs events, naming and semantics

==== Examples of adding Consumers (inside the factory) ==== // Creating object (parameterless constructor) e.Consumer(consumer, type => Activator.CreateInstance(consumer));

// connected using the simplest method, which accepts a consumer class with a default constructor. e.Consumer();

// Using an IoC container e.LoadFrom(_container);

// an anonymous factory method e.Consumer(() => new YourConsumer());

// an existing consumer factory for the consumer type e.Consumer(consumerFactory);

// a type-based factory that returns an object (container friendly) e.Consumer(consumer, type => container.Resolve(type)); e.Consumer(consumer, type => Activator.CreateInstance(consumer));

// an anonymous factory method, with some middleware goodness e.Consumer(() => new YourConsumer(), x => { // add middleware to the consumer pipeline x.UseLog(ConsoleOut, async context => "Consumer created"); });