
Angular2 Google Maps Directives

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Angular2 Google Map (ng-map version 2)

  • Imgur

Design Principle

  1. All google properties must be able to be defined in html without Javascript.

    Thus, basic users don't even have to know what Javascript is.

  2. Expose all original Google Maps V3 api to the user without any exception.

    No hiding, nor manipulation. By doing so, programmers don't need to learnthis module. If you know Google Maps V3 API, there shouldn't be no problem using this module.


  1. Install node_module ng2-map and typings

     $ npm install ng2-map @types/google-maps --save
  2. For SystemJs users only, update system.config.js to recognize ng2-map.

     map['ng2-map'] = 'node_modules/ng2-map/dist';
     packages['ng2-map'] = { main: 'ng2-map.umd.js', defaultExtension: 'js' }
  3. import Ng2MapeModule to your AppModule

     import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
     import { FormsModule } from "@angular/forms";
     import { BrowserModule  } from '@angular/platform-browser';
     import { AppComponent } from './app.component';
     import { Ng2MapModule} from 'ng2-map';
       imports: [BrowserModule, FormsModule, Ng2MapModule],
       declarations: [AppComponent],
       bootstrap: [ AppComponent ]
     export class AppModule { }
  4. Your Google maps may require API key, then override apiUrl

     import { Component } from '@angular/core';
     import { Ng2MapComponent } from 'ng2-map';
     @Component({ ... })
     export class AppComponent {
       constructor() {
         Ng2MapComponent['apiUrl'] = 'https://maps.google.com/maps/api/js?key=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX';

Use it in your template

<ng2-map center="Brampton, Canada"></ng2-map>


<ng2-map [options]="mapOptions"></ng2-map>

For full example, please check out app directory to see the example of;

  • main.ts
  • and app.component.ts.

How to get instance of a map

When map is ready Ng2MapComonent fires mapReady$ event with map object

<ng2-map zoom="13" center="37.775, -122.434" mapTypeId="satellite">

In your app component,

import {Ng2MapComponent} from "ng2-map";

export class MyAppComponent {
  @ViewChild(Ng2MapComponent) ng2MapComponent: Ng2MapComponent;
  public map: google.maps.Map;
  ngOnInit() {
    this.ng2MapComponent.mapReady$.subscribe(map => {
      this.map = map;

How to get instance of a map object

To get it from @ViewChild instance

When any map directive is initialized, each directive fires initialized$ event with its object. For HTML like the following,

<ng2-map zoom="13" center="37.775, -122.434" mapTypeId="satellite">
  <marker position="37.775, -122.434"></marker>

In your app component, use initialized$ event of a map object component, which is a ViewChild

import {Marker} from "ng2-map";

export class MyAppComponent {
  @ViewChild(Marker) marker: Marker;
  public marker: google.maps.Marker;
  ngOnInit() {
    this.Marker.initialized$.subscribe(marker => {
      this.marker = marker;

To get grouped instances from a map instance

import {Ng2MapComponent} from "ng2-map";

export class MyAppComponent {
  ngOnInit() {
    this.ng2MapComponent.mapReady$.subscribe(map => {
      console.log('all markers', map.markers);

How to access event of an object

Every event has a google map event as a parameter. In addition, event also has a target, which is a google map object.

HTML Example

  <ng2-map zoom="4" center="-25.363882, 131.044922" (click)="onClick($event)">
    <marker *ngFor="let pos of positions" [position]="pos"></marker>

Javascript Example

  onClick(event) {
    if (event instanceof MouseEvent) return;

Need Contributors

This ng2-map module is only improved and maintained by volunteers like you;

As a volunteer, it's NOT required to be skilled in Javascript nor Angular2. It’s required to be open-minded and interested in helping others. You can contribute to the following;

  • Updating README.md
  • Making more and clearer comments
  • Answering issues and building FAQ
  • Documentation
  • Translation

In result of your active contribution, you will be listed as a core contributor on https://ng2-ui.github.io, and a member of ng2-ui too.

If you are interested in becoming a contributor and/or a member of ng-ui, please send me email to allenhwkim AT gmail.com with your github id.

Google Maps V3 Compatibility Table

Object Options Events Note
Map MapOptions Map Events Google Simple Map Example
ng2-map example
Marker MarkerOptions Marker Events Google Simple Marker Example
ng2-map marker example
InfoWindow InfoWindowOptions InfoWindow Events Google Infowindows Example
ng2-map info-window example
Circle CircleOptions Circle Events Google Circle example
ng2-map circle example
Polygon PolygonOptions Polygon Events Google Polygon example
ng2-map polygon example
Polyline PolylineOptions Polyline Events Google Polyline Example
ng2-map polyline example
GroundOverlay GroundOverlayOptions GroundOverlay Events Google Simple Ground Overlay Example
ng2-map ground-overlay example
FusionTablesLayer FusionTablesLayerOptions FusionTablesLayer Events Experimental Status - No Plan to implement
HeatmapLayer HeatmapLayerOptions HeatmapLayer Events Google Heatmap Layer
ng2-map heatmap-layer example
KmlLayer KmlLayerOptions KmlLayer Events Google Kml Layer
ng2-map kml-layer example
Data DataOptions Data Events Google Layer Data Example
ng2-map data example
BicyclingLayer BicyclingLayerOptions BicyclingLayer Events Google Bycycling Layer Example
ng2-map bicycling-layer example
TrafficLayer TrafficLayerOptions TrafficLayer Events Google Traffic Layer Example
ng2-map traffic-layer example
TransitLayer TransitLayerOptions TransitLayer Events Google Transit Layer Example
ng2-map transit-layer example
StreetViewPanorama StreetViewPanoramaOptions StreetViewPanorama Events Google Streetview Example
ng2-map streetview-panorama example
AutoComplete AutoComplete Options AutoComplete Events Google Places Autocomplete Example
ng2-map places-auto-complete example
DirectionsRenderer DirectionsRenderer Options DirectionsRenderer Events Google Directions Example
ng2-map directions-renderer example
DrawingManager DrawingManager Options DrawingManager Events Google Drawing Manager Example
ng2-map drawing-manager example

For Developers

To start

$ git clone https://github.com/ng2-ui/ng2-map.git
$ cd ng2-map
$ npm install
$ npm start

List of available npm tasks

  • npm run : List all available tasks
  • npm start: Run app directory for development using webpack-dev-server with port 9001
  • npm run clean: Remove dist folder
  • npm run clean:dist: Clean up unnecessary dist folder within dist and app directory
  • npm run lint: Lint TypeScript code
  • npm run build:ngc: build ES module
  • npm run build:umd: Build UMD module ng2-map.umd.js
  • npm run build:app: Build app/build/app.js for runnable examples
  • npm run build: Build all(build:ngc, build:umc, build:app, and clean:dist)