
Social networking application using CQRS-ES with a help of broadway framework.

Tech stack

  • Broadway
  • Symfony
  • phpunit
  • elastic search
  • sqlite
  • git
  • docker



  • docker
  • docker compose how to install
  • if you already have running docker containers, please make sure that the port 8100 and 9200 is not occupied.

How to setup the project

git clone
cd connect-in-v2 
docker-compose up -d

Docker-compose will set up the containers needed to run this app.

To make sure the app running properly

curl -i localhost:8100

The app will be available at http://localhost:8100 as configured in docker-compose.yml.

Running the unit test

docker-compose exec app /bin/bash

Running the demo

This app doesn't have a GUI, only an API with the following endpoints:

Method Path Description Action
POST /user Create a new user, name should be given as form fields) and returns the userId curl -X POST -F 'name=$name' localhost:8100/user
GET /users Retrieve registered users curl localhost:8100/users
POST /user/addFriend Add a friend to a user (userId and friendId should be given as form fields) and returns the userId curl -X POST -X -F 'userId=$nameId' -X -F 'friendId=$friendId' localhost:8100/user/addFriend
GET /user/{userId}/friends Retrieve list of friends for a user curl localhost:8100/user/$userId/friends

Note: The ID used through out the project is UUID v4

Code structure

  • Domain code can be found in src/ConnectIn/
  • ReadModel code can be found in src/ConnectIn/ReadModel
  • Controller can be found in src/Controler
  • Database available in root directory of the application.

For more information,