Web Application which pulls data from PostgreSQL DB

Quick Start

  1. Install PostgreSQL
  2. Get PostgreSQL JDBC4 Driver and save it to Tomcat web server's lib directory
  3. Create PostgreSQL DB
create user huser;
create database huser with owner = huser;

    id int PRIMARY KEY, 
    name VARCHAR(25)

INSERT INTO authors(id, name) VALUES(1, 'Rob Bal');
INSERT INTO authors(id, name) VALUES(2, 'John Carter');
INSERT INTO authors(id, name) VALUES(3, 'Chris London');
INSERT INTO authors(id, name) VALUES(4, 'Truman De Bal');
INSERT INTO authors(id, name) VALUES(5, 'Emile Capote');
INSERT INTO authors(id, name) VALUES(7, 'Breech Jabber');
INSERT INTO authors(id, name) VALUES(8, 'Bob Carter');
INSERT INTO authors(id, name) VALUES(9, 'Nelson Mand');
INSERT INTO authors(id, name) VALUES(10, 'Tennant Mark');

alter user huser with password 'huser';

grant all on authors to huser;
  1. Open the project in Eclipse and run it "Run as..." → "Run on Server"