RNP is the standard protocol for the Rimcoin Network. It stands for Rimcoin Network Protocol.



RNP is the Rimcoin Network Protocol.

RNP commands:

send SENDER RECIEVER AMOUNT ID - sends AMOUNT Rimcoin from SENDER to RECIEVER, and this is confirmed using the SENDER CONFIRMATION ID

get_mine - returns network difficulty

new_mine - creates a new miner

get_hash - retuns hashes

submit TEXT REWARDEE - rewards REWARDEE if TEXT is a new hash

bal ADDRESS - returns user balance

rq_node - returns nodes, useful when setting up a new node

add_node NODE - adds a new node to the network

up_bal SENDER RECIEVER AMOUNT - comes from node when sending Rimcoin

add_node_update NODE - notifies a node that a new node exists

add_rc_wallet WALLET - notifies a node of a new wallet

rq_bal - returns balances, useful when setting up a new node

update_mine TEXT REWARDEE - notifies a node that a new hash was found

create WALLET - creates a new wallet, returns the ID

app WALLET ID - opens the mobile app for the wallet WALLET with the ID ID

rq_ip - returns IP file