
Research Paper on Load balancing algorithms in cloud computing by Rimjhim Singh, Department of Computer Science Engineering, Shiv Nadar University

Abstract: With the growth in computing technology, Cloud computing is emerging as a rising technology offering various services to clients on the basis of 'pay per use' independent of time and location. The flexible and easy-to-use nature of cloud computing has encouraged more and more organizations, companies, and businesses to shift to cloud service providers. As cloud computing is a highly popular technology, it is becoming increasingly important to face and resolve the challenges associated with it. One such challenge is Load Balancing. Load balancing is a significant component of cloud computing infrastructure. With load balancing, we can ensure that the workload is distributed equally among all nodes and that no nodes are overwhelmed with the incoming load. By redistributing the workload fairly among all nodes, load balancing ensures efficiency and optimal performance of the services offered to the clients. To achieve this, various algorithms are implemented. This paper aims to study and provide an overview of these algorithms. Moreover, this study will also discuss the challenges associated with these algorithms and compare their performances.

Problem Statement: Load balancing is a crucial part of cloud computing technology; hence, there is a need to study and understand various techniques used to implement it. This paper aims to study and provide an overview of various existing load balancing algorithms in use and to study the challenges that come with them. Different algorithms have different challenges associated with them. This study aims to review and compare the performance and utility of various algorithms. On the basis on available work, this paper reviews existing literature on various load balancing algorithms and aims to use metrics such as resource allocation, reaction time, and efficiency to classify them.