SignatureFD Onboard

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SignatureFD Onboard was developed to streamline the onboarding process of new employees at SignatureFD, a financial planning company. Currently this is a voluntary project specific to the SignatureFD company.

Application Usage

  • The purpose of the application is to facilitate the onboarding process of new employees and store employee documents for admin purposes.

The new employee receives a temporary login from the HR department via e-mail.

Login Page

The employee logs in with given credentials, creates a new password, and starts the onboarding process.

Create Password Page

The onboarding process ranges from watching introductory videos...

Introductory Video Page filling out necessary paperwork, such as the W-4 form, 401k forms, acknowledgement agreements, etc.

Pulse Fitness Agreement Page

Development Implementations

Node Package Version
axios 0.12.0
babel-core 6.9.1
babel-loader 6.2.4
babel-preset-es2015 6.9.0
babel-preset-react 6.5.0
base64-img 1.0.3
bcrypt 1.0.2
body-parser 1.17.2
cookie-parser 1.4.3
express 4.15.3
express-jwt 5.3.0
file-saver 1.3.3
image-base64 1.0.2
jquery 3.2.1
jsonwebtoken 7.4.1
mongoose 4.10.8
morgan 1.8.2
password-validator 4.0.0
path 0.12.7
pdfmake 0.1.31
print.js 1.0.18
react 15.6.1
react-dom 15.6.1
react-router 3.0.0
webpack 1.13.1


Members of our development team:

SignatureFD Onboard is currently not open to contributions. Thank you for your interest!