
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Braves Concessions

Braves Concessions is a mobile app born from the Atlanta Braves Hackathon at SunTrust Park. It allows baseball fans to put in mobile orders and pick up food from the nearest concession stand.

The app is still in its development phase and is not yet available in the public domain. It is currently in the process of being implemented with an admin system (web application) for vendors to keep track of consumer orders.

Application Usage

The objective of the Atlanta Braves Hackathon was to increase consumer engagement with SunTrust Park that opened in March 2017.

The purpose of Braves Concessions is to make ordering food easier for consumers at the SunTrust Park on game days.

After registration, the user logs in with credentials.

Login Page

The user selects a vendor.

Concessions Page

The user inputs a quantity for desired menu items.

Menu Page

The user inputs their payment information.

Payment Page

If the order is successful, a confirmation page should appear with the nearest concession stand location for pick-up.

Confirmation Page

Development Implementations

  • MERN Framework
    • MongoDB
    • Express.js
    • React Native
    • Node.js
Node Package Version
axios 0.16.2
babel-jest 21.0.2
babel-preset-react-native 3.0.2
bcryptjs 2.4.3
body-parser 1.18.0
cloudinary 1.9.0
connect-flash 0.1.1
cookie-parser 1.4.3
dotenv 4.0.0
expo 20.0.0
express 4.15.4
express-session 1.15.5
jest 21.0.2
jest-expo ~20.0.0
jquery 3.2.1
mocha 3.5.3
mongoose 4.11.10
morgan 1.8.2
passport 0.4.0
passport-local 1.0.0
react 16.0.0-alpha.12
react-native 0.47.0
react-native-keyboard-aware-scroll-view 0.3.0
react-native-photo-view 1.4.0
react-native-router-flux 4.0.0-beta.21
react-native-scripts 1.3.1
react-navigation 1.0.0-beta.11
react-test-renderer 16.0.0-alpha.12
request 2.81.0


Braves Concessions is currently not open to contributions. Thank you for your interest!