
Chrome extension to enable crypto in the browser.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


build deps

  • Node
  • npm
  • npm install -g grunt-cli


  • grunt bower
  • grunt build


Load unpacked extension from /dist directory.


  • start off with the options page, you will be prompted to enter a master password to encrypt keystore
  • go ahead and add your private keys and public keys (key generation coming soon)
  • a browser action will be available, a little lock in your toolbar, click it to use crypto-chrome
  • fill the textbox with your text, and you can use the encrypt and sign buttons
  • you can also paste an encrypted message in the box and use decrypt
  • we've built integration with GMail and Facebook, you can use the import from page and import last message options
  • in integrated page, encrypt and sign should inject text in your reply box (has to be open)