
Instructions for adding a Cloud Run Deploy button to a README.md

Primary LanguageDockerfile

Cloud Run Button

Your own fancy button that uses Cloud Shell to deploy a git repo to Cloud Run in two clicks.

Like this:

Run on Google Cloud

To add a Cloud Run deploy button to your project's readme:

  1. Copy & paste this markdown:

    [![Run on Google Cloud](https://storage.googleapis.com/cloudrun/button.png)](https://console.cloud.google.com/cloudshell/editor?shellonly=true&cloudshell_image=gcr.io/cloudrun/button&cloudshell_git_repo=YOUR_HTTP_GIT_URL)
  2. Replace YOUR_HTTP_GIT_URL with your HTTP git URL, like: https://github.com/jamesward/hello-kotlin-ktor.git

  3. Make sure the repo is buildable on Google Cloud Build and its build config publishes a container to the Google Container Repository. If you use a cloudbuild.yaml file, the publishing config must use PROJECT_ID and REPO_NAME parameters.