
Create a dedicated IaaS instance per Pod to mitigate container breakout (including CPU vulnerabilities depending on the instance type)

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Instance-per-Pod Admission Webhook

Instance-per-Pod Admission Webhook (IPP) creates an IaaS instance per Kubernetes Pod to mitigate potential container breakout attacks. Unlike Kata Containers, IPP can even mitigate CPU vulnerabilities when baremetal instances are used.

Supported clusters

Getting started

With GKE

Step 1

Create a GKE node pool with the following configuration:

  • Create "GCE instance metadata" (not "Kubernetes labels") ipp-reserved=true
  • Do NOT enable autoscaling

Step 2

Create a GCP service account with Comute Admin and Kubernetes Engine Admin roles, and download the JSON private key.

Step 3

Install IPP Admission Webhook:

IMAGE="gcr.io/$PROJECT/ipp:t$(date +%s)"

docker build -t $IMAGE . && docker push $IMAGE
./ipp.yaml.sh $IMAGE $GKEPARENT $GCPSA | kubectl apply -f -

You can review the YAML before running kubectl apply. Note that the YAML contains Secret resources.

Step 4

Create some pods.

A pod mutated by IPP has .spec.nodeSelector[ipp.akihirosuda.github.io/node=<generated-node-label>] and .metadata.labels[ipp.akihirosuda.github.io/mutated]=true.

Watch log

$ kubectl logs -f --namespace=ipp-system deployments/ipp


$ kubectl delete mutatingwebhookconfiguration ipp
$ kubectl delete namespace ipp-system
$ kubectl delete clusterrole ipp
$ kubectl delete clusterrolebinding ipp

Ignored pods

  • Pods created with DaemonSet
  • Pods in *-system namespaces (eg. kube-system)
  • Pods with ipp.akihirosuda.github.io/ignore=true annotation


  • Allow defaulting not to use IPP
  • Ignore pods with nodeSelector/nodeName/nodeAffinity...
  • Reuse idle instances to save IaaS expense
  • Automatically delete idle instances
  • Allow annotated pods to co-exist in the same instance
  • Consider more fancy project name (RFC)