
:iphone: iOS DeviceCheck SDK for Go - query and modify the per-device bits

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📱 iOS DeviceCheck SDK for Go - query and modify the per-device bits


go get github.com/rinchsan/device-check-go/v2

Getting started

Initialize SDK

import "github.com/rinchsan/device-check-go/v2"

cred := devicecheck.NewCredentialFile("/path/to/private/key/file") // You can create credential also from raw string/bytes
cfg := devicecheck.NewConfig("ISSUER", "KEY_ID", devicecheck.Development)
client := devicecheck.New(cred, cfg)

Use DeviceCheck API

Query two bits

var result devicecheck.QueryTwoBitsResult
if err := client.QueryTwoBits("DEVICE_TOKEN", &result); err != nil {
	switch {
	// Note that QueryTwoBits returns ErrBitStateNotFound error if no bits found
	case errors.Is(err, devicecheck.ErrBitStateNotFound):
		// handle ErrBitStateNotFound error
		// handle other errors

Update two bits

if err := client.UpdateTwoBits("DEVICE_TOKEN", true, true); err != nil {
	// handle errors

Validate device token

if err := client.ValidateDeviceToken("DEVICE_TOKEN"); err != nil {
	// handle errors

Apple documentation