
This project contains templates for authors who want to contribute to the RING Meeting. It contains for both LaTeX, Microsoft Word files, including bst and csl file for reference formating built on top of APA styles. The template also contrains guidelines about good writing practice for scientific papers.

Microsoft Word template:

Files are available in the "word" folder.

  • Edit the RINGMeeting_template.docx file
  • DO NOT forget to use the custom citation style: RING.csl. This template can be used for example using Word's Zotero plugin.

Latex template:

Files are available in the "latex" folder.

  • RINGMeeting_start.tex: File to edit --> your paper.
  • my_biblio_file.bib: File to edit --> your bibliography.
  • figures: folder where to put figures to be included in the paper.
  • RINGMeeting_preprint.pdf: compiled pdf in '''preprint''' mode (for review).
  • RINGMeeting_start.pdf: compiled pdf in '''final''' mode (FOR SUBMISSION).
  • ring.cls: Implementation of the LaTeX class for the template. DO NOT EDIT!
  • RING.bst: implementation of a the bibliographic style (with apacite) for the conference. DO NOT EDIT!

slides template:

A template for slides is provided in the slides folder.

  • RINGMeeting_slides.potx: file to initialize your PowerPoint presentation.