American Gut Capstone Dashboard

Interactively explore American Gut Project Samples and visualize word2vec, pcOa, and hyperbolic embedding results

Create a virtualenv:
python3 -m venv virtualenv

Activate the python3 virtualenv with the following:
source virtualenv/bin/activate

Install the required packages:
pip install -r requirements.txt

You will also need to clone and pip install dash-sunburst, a new experimental visualization dash feature used in the dashboard.

First clone dash-sunburst git repo run the following from the top level 'cap_dash' directory:
git clone

Now pip install dash-sunburst (make sure you are in your virtualenv):
pip install -e ./dash-sunburst/

Go to 'dash' directory:
cd dash

To launch the web app UI run the following:

Then open up your web browser and go to http://localhost:8050/


full repository of related prequisite work: