
GoFrame Command Line Interface, which is your helpmate for building GoFrame application more convenience.

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


gf-cli is a powerful CLI tool for building GF application more convenience.

1. Install

It's recommended using pre-compiled binaries:

After downloads, please use gf install command to install gf binary to system binary path.

  1. Linux

    wget https://goframe.org/cli/linux_amd64/gf && chmod +x gf && sudo ./gf install
  2. Mac

    wget https://goframe.org/cli/darwin_amd64/gf && chmod +x gf && ./gf install

    If you're using zsh, you might need rename your alias by command alias gf=gf to resolve the conflicts between gf and git fetch.

  3. Windows

    Manually download and move it to C:\Windows folder, and then you can enjoy it in cmd.

2. Commands

$ gf

    get        install or update GF to system in default...
    gen        automatically generate go files for ORM models...
    run        running go codes with hot-compiled-like feature...
    init       initialize an empty GF project at current working directory...
    help       show more information about a specified command
    pack       packing any file/directory to a resource file, or a go file
    build      cross-building go project for lots of platforms...
    update     update current gf binary to latest one (you may need root/admin permission)
    install    install gf binary to system (you may need root/admin permission)
    version    show version info

    -?,-h      show this help or detail for specified command
    -v,-i      show version information

    Use 'gf help COMMAND' or 'gf COMMAND -h' for detail about a command, which has '...' in the tail of their comments.